Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread

Polls in both 2016 and 2018 showed the Dem candidate in a dead heat with their GOP opponent in Texas, largely because some conservative undecided voters really didn’t want to vote for their party’s guy. When Election Day rolled around they fell in line and the result wasn’t especially close.

I’m not falling for it again. Polls may show Dem candidates - and the nominee - even with or slightly ahead of Trump for the next few months, but as summer turns to fall Trump will lead in the polls and he’ll carry Texas easily. The moderate conservatives may not all like Trump, but they’ll still vote for him over a Dem, especially someone like Bernie.


Would you vote for Jesus if he were a Republican? Don’t kid us or yourself. That’s what is wrong with the government these days. Everyone votes according to party.

I think you’re vastly overestimating Beto’s current popularity in Texas.

Beto didn’t do himself any favors with his comments about guns.

Beto clearly went too far on guns. But the fact is the republicans are WAY WAY WAY right of center when it comes to common sense gun laws. Like 80% of people disagree with he GOP on guns.

I grew up in the burbs of Houston. Voted straight R my whole life up through W’s second term. The Republicans are all fucking liars.

Deficits, LIES. Accountability LIES. Immigration, LIES Law and order, LIES. Fiscal responsibility LIES Personal Responsibility, LIES. Health Care, LIES.

It’s so blatant now it’s hard to understand why anyone still supports them, other than easily scared pussies, who think Mexicans are gonna steal their jobs and rape their wives… while living in a Perry Home built by Central Americans… it’s so ridiculously outrageous that you want to throw your hands up and quit.

Then to top it off…lthey rally around the biggest scumbag in US Presidential history. WTF

Pussy grabbing, three time divorcee, cheats on his wife with a nasty pornstar and lies and illegally pays her off with campaign funds, runs a complete SHAM of a charitable foundation that is forced to close and he has to pay penalties (while Idiots like DWARD and HAPPY only complain about the Clinton foundation}. Runs a fake school and rips off 1000s of people, Soaks taxpayers weekly by hosting nonstop events at properties he owns…

It goes on and on and on. But Obama wore a tan suit, was black, and had the audacity to go to a church YOU don’t like… meanwhile the most divisive president EVER is handing out Presidential medals of freedom to a scumbag druggie like Rush Limbaugh.



This is another example of why getting your “news” from facebook is a bad idea.

Project much?

Last I looked, Beto isn’t running.

This is such a perfect example of the right. They incessantly bitch about fake news, then spend all day retweeting or sharing or posting actual fake news. They LOVE fake news and outright lies, which is why Trump,is so appealing to them.


No, he isn’t. I did not say he was. If Bernie or any of the other candidates choose him as a running mate, they would be making a big mistake. There are too many Americans who like their guns to vote for someone who wants to take our guns

You know I’m right. You wouldn’t vote for Jesus either if he ran as a Republican. You’d vote for a vacuum cleaner if it ran as a Democrat.

Someone who claims to have voted D until Trump might keep an open mind that people change their minds.

I voted R until Obama, in large part because Bush and the party had completely abandoned the “fiscal responsibility” part of their platform.

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I did not like Bush at all. Gore and Kerry had my votes. Still think Gore actually won that election.

Obama didn’t “pay” Iran. He honored the contract the US agreed to and returned their money. Not that I expect little things like facts to matter to you.

I’d vote for a vacuum cleaner against Trump but, otherwise, this is you projecting your tribalism onto me to justify your own behavior.

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Why are you hung up on Beto? Is it because you want Beto to be on the ticket to give you an excuse to vote for a continuation of the unfettered corruption and criminality of Trump?

There is an embarrassment of riches for the VP slot behind the eventual Democratic nominee, including most of those still in the race, Harris, Booker, Abrams, Castro and I’m sure a few more I can’t conjure right now.

My behavior? I’m just not keen on the idea of voting for a guy like Bernie who wants to give everyone free stuff and make working people like me pay for it. Biden is 80 years old and has no business running the country. The Democrats are just really weak this year. Like it or not, you had better get ready for 4 more years of Trump being your president.