Incoming TX Cold

Whoa…the sun causes cancer.

So do windmills.

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Meanwhile, Florida man…

I have to wear my mudboots today, which is a whole lot more exciting than it sounds

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Big freeze coming next week. Will Abbott and DERPCOT be able to keep the lights and, more importantly, the heating on?

Well didn’t a Texas court rule that energy providers are under no obligation to provide energy or something like that?
It is an election year after all though, so I’m sure Abbott and his minions will keep the lights on by hook or crook.


“You rang?”

-Ken Paxton


Texas has long viewed electrical power as a luxury, not a necessity. They didn’t have electrical power at the Alamo, after all. You’re cold? That’s why God invented fire and wood furniture.


It’s 28° in Houston. Do you know where your Ted Cruz is?


Ol’ cowardly rafael hears Cancun is lovely this time of year…

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Yesterday he cursed the Cowboys by rooting for them


He offered up some alternative facts today that said the Cowboys won that game. Get your tickets the next round now!



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At least he didn’t say “that’s half of what I usually get”.

There must be something in my British DNA that compels me to put the kettle on when it starts pissing down like this.

Which is why they drink so much tea in old Blighty.

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H-E-B quit carrying PG Tips. I had to settle for Tetleys.

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We like TyPhoo.

Same with Kroger. I get a big box of PG Tips from Amazon that last me a while.

You only get an “ooo” with Typhoo.