Incoming TX Cold

According to this graphic ERCOT used in a press release last November, very little of their wind and solar capacity is “winter-rated”:


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My power went out about midnight Sunday night, came back on for about 15 mins at 2am and then went out for the stretch. Dropped to the low 60s in here and no water, but I’ve been heating up food on the communal gas grills and bagged some pool water for flushing the toilet, so it’s been livable.

I had to bug out of my apartment about 2 hours ago as the fire alarms went off - probably because a bust pipe dropped the pressure and set them off. So I took the cat and we drove around wondering if there was a Starbucks open anywhere; there wasn’t and anything that was open (Raising Cane’s is all I saw) had a mile-long line. At least it was warm in the car and I could charge my cell phone.

Got back here about 15 minutes ago to find the lights on. Still no hot water, but I’ve got heat and cold water. For now, at least…

No hot water seems to be the theme. That means frozen hot water lines in the walls and attics. Hopefully not every pipe bursts.

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So I’m seeing a lot of discussion about the wholesale electricity prices skyrocketing and some companies warning their customers to switch to another company or pay exorbitant rates.

How do I know if I’m about to get fucked? I have a contract with Green Mountain and they aren’t saying anything like this, so I assume this has to do with Griddy’s price structure and not something that every company will pass along to their customers. But I have heard rumblings of Austin Energy (which charges a fixed rate) doing something like this too.

Yep. I’m on call where I’m at, hauling water and food for folks and their animals. My cousin is doing the same in Blanco county since he lives at the ranch, he’s gonna get one hell of an early christmas present from the extended family once this is over.

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We have a contact water heater on an outside wall that I’m pretty sure is frozen. Didn’t think of it when I wrapped pipes. We’ll see what happens when it thaws.

Same boat. Just hoping it works when it thaws.

Our house is almost up to 60 degrees. I literally love electricity.

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The lunacy of deregulated essential utilities laid bare.




Biden refuses to grant Texas’ plea for emergency assistance until the state agrees to extensive forest-raking program.


Not really.

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The energy capital of the world.

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My parents electricity is finally back on, at least for now.


Speaking of idiots, here’s five more…



It’s crazy. I must say the one thing i really wish i had, besides water, is a lantern. A flashlight is only so good to try and do anything after 6:30.

I’m also starting to get stir crazy like i did during Harvey.

Last night, when it got dark, I went to bed and went hard to sleep. When I woke, it was still dark, but I figured it must 2, 3 or 4 or in the morning. Nope 10:30pm.

I hate it when that happens

Texas doesn’t consider heat and electricity essential or a public benefit. It’s a luxury service that everyone is responsible for providing for themselves…like basic health care.

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If anyone has earned a huge kick in the nuts from karma, it’s Dan Crenshaw. What fucking tool.