Incoming TX Cold

Do not know the answer to your question. My electricity bills have been $0 for months.


Hopefully you don’t have to find out. :blush:

Let me help you: it’s not.


You can’t put a price on the peace of mind.

Power outage at a water treatment plant yesterday has all of Houston under a boil notice.

More importantly, the city knew for 6 hours that the boil notice was necessary before actually making any announcement - and even then, they did not use the city’s emergency text messaging system to put the word out.

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Yes. Major faceplant by the city’s OEM.

According to the city the pressure drop was apparently fixed within one minute, but regulations still require a boil notice lasting 24 hours after testing is complete (so it’ll be in effect for another day or so officially) no matter how brief the drop. If that’s correct the water is almost certainly fine, even if the city needs to get its act together on the notification side.

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The power was out for one minute because their generators don’t kick in automatically. I have a generator that turns on within a second of detecting a power outage, but the water provider to over 2 million people doesn’t.

Did they hire whoever got the axe from Austin Water?

I wonder why power was lost at all? The generator is the second question. My third question is why it took so long for the notice to go out.

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All good questions. Hopefully this is a teachable moment.

Either that, or we’re going to have to start adding water purification systems to home solar/battery installations.

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I did learn a large portion of Rice uses well water. Guess which part of campus I’m officed?

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Boil notice rescinded.

Will the grid hold up?

The election’s over, nobody held them accountable for it, so why should Abbot & co care?

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It’s “supposed to”

Check Ted Cruz’s vacation calendar. That ought to give you a clue.


I’m inclined to give Cruz a pass for a little while

The lows are real, and they’re spectacular.