Houston v. St Louis

McCormick nailed for Madris. HBP.

What was the point of McCormick there?

Good swings by Jake…

To wear a fastball on his back.

Shades of Major League 2


So it wasn’t a pinch hit.

He came in as a defensive replacement in the bottom of the eighth inning.


You don’t play defense while batting. Did McCormick play LF in the 8th, or was he pinch hitting?

Sorry, attention drifted. @DVauthrin knows…
Trying to get a couple runs…

Thank you.

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Snuffy, be quiet and let the adults talk.

Hit it, 'Tuve!

You’re welcome. Kalas mentioned Chas was in the field during the bottom of the eighth inning right before he got drilled by that fastball.

LOADED for Bregs.

BregBomb time?

Have the sound down while sitting outside. Didn’t hear it.

Ok…can we please close this out

I missed it at first, too. I went back and listened again and heard it.

2-3-4 spots due up for the Cardinals…