Houston @ KC, 9/16/2023

Losing to the worst team in baseball is so fuck.

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The worst team in the last 60 years. One of the 10 worst teams in history. And not just losing…getting the living shit beat out of them.

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At least Diaz didn’t swing at a strike in that AB. That wasn’t predictable or anything.

You knew the Astros’ run wouldn’t last forever. You just didn’t think it would come so quickly and in such embarrassingly self-inflicted fashion.


The 2013 Astros would sweep this historical shitty Royals team and the defending World Champs go belly up like little whiney bitches against them.

With the exception of the Braves, the Astros lineup measures up with anyone. This isn’t a talent issue, it’s a slapdick issue.


I had such hopes.

I love that HH’s “Worst Team in MLB History” is dependent on whether we’ve lost to the A’s or the Royals most recently.

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You couldn’t live on the difference.

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They’re both clamoring to play Houston to avoid being the worst.

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Was at the Kauffman tonight to see the game. Two observations

  1. The body language and the play was empty (going through the motions w/o emotions)
  2. We are turning little plays into big fuck ups on both sides of play (Off/Def)

It was really poor, and reaffirmed my original thesis a few weeks ago. This team will either go on a massive bender and butcher everyone, or it will lose right out of the gate. It is an ALL or NOTHING type of team make up. This bothers me a lot, but I guess if they win - I’ll just have to shut up and accept it.


Dodgers use a 5-run 11th to beat the Mariners 6-2, so the division no one seems to want to win remains where it was Thursday. Astros in front somehow.

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Could the location of this HBP be affecting him? (Fixed the link!)
(11 Sep game vs Oak, 4th inning, 2 out, 2-0 count)
He has been 2 for 18, 1 BB & 3 K’s, since that hit.