General TV Thread

Just finished this one. I’m going to go lie down in a darkened room for a bit.

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No matter how long you lay down, it won’t be enough.

That episode is a goddamn masterpiece: actors, story, and writing.

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The next episode will help detox a bit.

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It is a masterpiece.

“I have access to $500”.

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HBO/Max just added a bunch of stuff that was previously only available on AMC’s streaming service…Gangs of London is a solid show

I’ll add that if you have an aversion to violence, this is probably not the show for you.

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I just wrapped up S2 yesterday. I can’t believe Richie is the adult now. And I figured Carmy would screw up his relationship, but jeez…


Don’t think Cabrera has posted this - “The Great” (on Hulu) is a comic take on Catherine the Great which was released in 2020 and is uncannily topical. The episode we watched last night ran through scenarios for getting rid of opponents by various poisons and falls out of windows.

We really liked that show, and it got great reviews and was seemingly popular. So naturally Hulu cancelled it earlier this week. Hopefully it’ll get pickup up somewhere for at least 1 final season.

I had not heard that. Bummer. We’ve just started Season 2.

I had not realized that the start of her reign (1762) was nearly contemporaneous with the American Revolution - another reminder of how our truly revolutionary the Founding Fathers were.

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Excellent biography by Robert Massie on CtG. He wrote four books on the Romanovs, all of which I liked very much.

Thanks for the tip!

I have started watching “The Wheel of Time” on Amazon. It’s quite entertaining, although it might be more so if you’ve never seen Lord of the Rings, but that’s likely to be ones of people.

Basically, it’s a hybrid of LOTR and Game of Thrones, without the sexposition.

Nearly twenty years ago, I read the first nine books of the series. The pace got maddeningly slow, as in a glacial like pace, and I gave up. But I remember really enjoying the first three novels.

Believe the first season of WoT is based on The Eye of the World, the first novel of the series. Definitely took some liberties with the characters and plot set up. Overall, though, I enjoyed it and hope the producers (try) to do all of the books.

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I looked it up to see if it was based on a novel or just a shameless cash-in on the “swords and sandals” genre. Obviously I haven’t read the books, so I don’t know how close the show is cleaving to them.

As an aside, now that I have seen the abbreviation “WoT”, my mind has gone in a completely different direction. “I said Captain…”

I can’t say that I loved WoT but I finished it, which is more than I can say for the LoTR series.

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I say this, and the very next episode I watch has a meeting in a sauna.

ETA: and lesbians.

So …

Confession time: Somehow I got thru the last decade and a half having never watched The Wire.

No particular reason other than it first aired at a time when I was busy then I didn’t have hbo.

I corrected that major oversight over the past few weeks.

Loved, loved, loved it.

My wife and I made watching Homicide: Life on the Street a weekly ritual. The Wire brought back good memories of those early days of our marriage (watching the show, not participating in the Baltimore drug scene).


I always looked for reruns of Homicide: Life on the Streets but never found any. I’ve never tried to find it other ways and not sure I could handle a full rewatch (it was very intense). That being said, I always loved that show. It’s not quite at The Wire level, but close.

Great show. Read the book Homicide is based on.