She reminds me of Alexis Bledel.
She is my other small screen crush currently. It hadn’t dawned on me the similarity between the two, but dark hair and blue eyes has long been my type. See Connelly, Jennifer.
VanSanten also played Butcher’s wife / Homelander’s baby-momma on “The Boys”.
Sadly, she won’t be back for Season Three.
She becomes increasingly annoying through the series and never goes on to act in anything of note again?
Wow, that was nice.
Come for the baseball, stay for the Gilmore Girls shade.
I never understood the Lauren Graham thing, until I saw Bad Santa…
An ex of mine loved that show back in the day, so I had to love that show too. Thus I know exactly what you are talking about.
Those women talked too much and too fast. I couldn’t watch it, but my wife and daughter loved it.
Mrs Limey loved it, so I saw more of it than I would have otherwise. It didn’t bother me too much (the dialogue could be quite snappy and witty) but, once you see that every scene - every fucking scene - is two people taking, you can’t unsee it.
Speaking of things you can’t unsee: Space Kirk.
My wife and daughter finished binging it just before COVID, and from what I could see, Lauren Graham absolutely carried that show
Just finished it. Very good. Although I didn’t realize that every tech breakthrough was made by the same 4 people more fucked up than Fleetwood Mac.
You’re right about the end: Grayhavens
British choking sounds
Kathleen Zellner, the exoneration bulldog who was the subject of season two of “Making a Murderer”, filed a motion today for a Brady violation in Avery’s case. If you watched the show, she has done this before and been knocked back, despite the horrendous and laughable (if it wasn’t so serious) evidentiary shenanigans by the prosecution and law enforcement.
This one might have legs though. She has a witness who has sworn that he saw - up close and in strong lighting - Bobby Dassey and another unidentified man wheeling Theresa Halbach’s RAV-4 into the Avery scrap yard.
The witness was on the property to make a delivery, and got a good look at Dassey because he blocked the witness’ exit by standing in front of his car, such that the witness had to drive through a ditch to get around Dassey to make his exit. Quite possibly a life-saving maneuver, given what Dassey appeared to be up to.
The witness has sworn to this statement, as well as to the fact that he called Manitowoc PD when he saw on the news that Halbach had been driving a RAV-4. So, either he’s lying under oath now - over a decade after the crime - or his contemporaneous police report was lost…or “lost”. Such evidence would clearly have been exculpatory had it been available to the defense at the time, hence the Brady violation filing.
It’s been a while since the show was aired but, as a reminder, Bobby Dassey is the brother of Brendan Dassey who was convicted of the murder along with Avery after he gave a ridiculously coached confession. Bobby was the one caught with a computer full of violent porn. He was also the only person who claimed to have seen Halbach going in to Avery’s trailer and, IIRC, was the person who saw Avery’s “huge” fire in the burn pit where some of Halbach’s bones were later found.
Bobby Dassey has an alibi supplied by his step-dad, Scott Tadych. Tadych has an alibi supplied by Bobby. The two claimed to have passed each other on the road as Bobby headed out to go hunting, freshly showered per his own testimony, as you do. Wisconsin deer love Ax body spray, it seems.
Human bones were also found in a burn barrel closer to the Dassey’s trailer, more were found in the quarry adjacent to the Avery property and more still in a burn barrel out where Bobby used to go hunting. During the show, Zellner was shown demonstrating that you cannot reduce a human body to bone fragments in a burn pit, because the fire cannot get hot enough. You have a better chance in a burn barrel, however.
As the season wore on, Zellner ripped apart the State’s forensic evidence. Let’s not forget that the cause, location and manner of death in the separate trials for Brendan Dassey and Steven Avery were completely different. In Brandon’s trial, the prosecution argued that Halbach was tied up on Avery’s bed in his trailer where she was violently raped by both Dassey and Avery, and killed by being stabbed repeatedly. This matched with the minimal facts coached out of Brendan in his confession, and from a fever dream of ADA Kratz.
In Avery’s trial, the complete lack of even a single strand of Halbach’s DNA inside Avery’s trailer - completely unthinkable given the tale of her demise spun in Brendan’s prosecution - forced them switch stories and claim that Avery shot Halbach in the head in his garage. This was supported by a bullet they found in said garage, that did have Halbach’s DNA on it. Not that it was available for the defense at the time, but Zellner proved that the bullet also had lip balm wax on it - a lipstick being a vast trove of its user’s DNA - and was far too pristine otherwise to have gone through someone’s skull and out the other side. Oh, and Halbach’s lipstick was missing from the “touch-up” kit she kept in her purse.
As it’s coming back to me now, I could wax on forever about all of the shady shit that was pulled to get Avery convicted. The courts have, so far, been in lockstep with every one of the conflicting facts about Avery’s and Dassey’s convictions, and kept them both in jail. Maybe this latest filing will be the one that breaks the dam.
That looks pretty cool. And fits in nicely with our recent van discussions.
For those of you who enjoyed “Drive to Survive”, or simply would enjoy a real-life “Days of Thunder”, Netflix is carrying “Rush” currently. It’s the story of the rivalry between Ferrari’s Niki Lauda and McLaren’s James Hunt for the 1976 Formula 1 championship.
You don’t have to understand the sport to enjoy the movie. It’s a rollicking ride, directed by Ron Howard. The drama is inherent to the story and the racing sequences are incredible.
There are short sequences where the dialogue is in German or Italian but, for some reason, no subtitles. I turned on the subs for the whole movie and it wasn’t an impediment.
Also, tits (and Chris Hemsworth arse, nttawwt).
First car to the finish line wins. Right?
I had to explain Le Mans several times to Mrs Hawk. I’m still not sure she understood it all, but she actually really enjoyed Ford vs Ferrari. Going in she was pretty skeptical.

First car to the finish line wins. Right?
Actually, not necessarily. As you will see twice in this movie.
Formula 1 is the NFL of motor racing: insane physical demands / ridiculously finicky rules.

I had to explain Le Mans several times to Mrs Hawk. I’m still not sure she understood it all, but she actually really enjoyed Ford vs Ferrari. Going in she was pretty skeptical.
Definitely try “Rush”, I’d say.