General TV Thread

Kim’s Convenience is fantastic.

I think I crack up at the most at the exchanges between Mr. Kim and Mr. Mehta when they take their cigar breaks.

Mr. Mehta reminds me very much of an older version of a friend of mine. And I agree.

The entire cast is great, but Paul Sun-Hyung Lee is just fantastic.

Speaking of Canada, Schitt’s Creek.

Mr D is like what would happen if Michael Scott from the office was a teacher/coach at a private K through 12 in a Toronto suburb.

Along with Community, Arrested Dev, Firefly, etc…what are yall’s favorite shows that got cancelled way too soon?

Happy Endings
Life and Times of Tim
Better Off Ted
Big Time In Hollywood Florida

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Add Freaks and Geeks to that list.

Yep. And Deadwood of course.

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Stark Raving Mad. Was on the air for one season in 1999-2000, and I’m still pissed about this one. With my crappy memory, I remember almost nothing about the show, but I do remember really liking it.

Arrested Development too. If not for the fucksticks at Fox, that show could’ve been the greatest of all time.

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Since all the good ones have been taken, I’ll say Pushing Daisies. I have not yet found a single other human being that has even heard of the show, much less watched it.

I don’t know if it’s fair to say it was canceled too soon, but Party Down. It’s actually amazing it lasted even two seasons with the ratings it drew. Then the lead actor and parts of the supporting cast got hired into bigger (not better) shows, so there was no future anyway. But the two seasons that did happen—both available on Hulu—are incredible.

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I’ll add to the Party Down recommendation with some other random shows I’ve enjoyed over the past year:

Derry Girls - for some reason this one can make me absolutely cry laughing. Took me a few episodes to get the vibe but now I’ve watched both seasons through a couple times. Subtitles may be necessary for the accents.

What We Do in the Shadows - I loved the movie, and the show has found a great rhythm of its own. One of those shows where I can’t decide which of the five leads is funniest because they’re all so good.

Toast of London - ridiculous comedy a friend recommended to me. It’s weird, and your opinion will basically come down to how funny you find Matt Berry. I’m sure each episode has some sort of plot but you wouldn’t really know from watching it. Cracks me up regardless.

Halt and Catch Fire - finally got around to watching it. Very steady show, never great but always pretty good. Found it interesting how they chose to end it: resolve the plot a few episodes before the finale, more or less with a whimper, then spend the rest of the time giving closure to the characters. Kind of refreshing compared to shows that feel like they have to build to some epic conclusion.

Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell - we’ve gotten into the habit of watching this miniseries every year around Christmastime. Some of y’all may have read the book, and I think the series is a great adaptation. Love a good feuding magicians story.

Square Pegs

Seasons 1 and 2 only. Skip the 3rd season and the movie.

See also Fly, Fire.

Black Mirror, if you enjoy being awake all night, clutching your knees, rocking back and forth.

Boo this man!

I found Black Mirror relatively late and binged the first four seasons over about two weeks.

Black Mirror is not a show that you should binge.


I always expected a sequel to that book. I don’t think there’s ever been one.