General Movie Thread

I actually like the Departed. Not as a best picture movie but I always enjoy it


Same here. Wahlberg was probably my favorite part of that movie.

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One of my favorite lines of any movie

“Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe go fuck yourself.”

Which actually should be in the header for this whole forum


I prefer “I’m the guy who does his fucking job. You must be the other guy.”

It’s not a bad movie but it’s definitely not in his top 5 and maybe not his top 10.


Definitely better:
Taxi Driver
Raging Bull
Cape Fear
Color of Money
Last Waltz

Possibly better:
Wolf of Wall Street
Last Temptation of Christ

So yeah, borderline top 10.

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Gangs of New York: better

I have hopes for Killers of the Flower Moon, it’s a great book

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I’m glad you mentioned that. I really enjoyed Grann’s other books and forgot about that one. Just ordered it.

I’m glad you mentioned that. About to order The Devil and Sherlock Holmes

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Its very good.

And very disheartening.

Wayne played the same character he’s been playing for 40 years. And I thought Campbell was awful…like Sofia Coppola in Godfather III awful. Some of Wayne’s better performances that may have actually deserved an Oscar:

The Searchers (by far his best, IMO)
The Quiet Man
Rio Bravo (with an extra star for having a smoking hot Angie Dickinson)
Sands of Iwo Jima
The High and the Mighty

Frankly, True Grit was about Wayne’s 20th best performance.

The Shootist?

True Grit wasn’t even one of his best westerns. Searchers, Rio Bravo, Sons of Katy Elder, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence, McClintock!, War Wagon and others that don’t come to mind were all better.

When was she ever not smoking hot?

Rio Bravo is my favorite John Wayne movie

It’s between Rio Bravo and The Searchers for me.

The shower scene in Dressed to Kill still gets me, even though I’m no longer a 14-year old pile of raging hormones.

The Searchers is a hell of a great movie (one of my Dad’s favorites), and, to me, Wayne’s best performance apart from The Quiet Man.

Took me a few years to figure this out:
“Turn around, sonny. Yeah, he’s a Yankee cavalryman.”

Worth reading? Maybe. I guess it depends on how dedicated to the universe you are. It’s not great but there’s some interesting developments and it ends on a cliffhanger.

Have you seen the original it’s based on? I like the Departed but Infernal Affairs is a superior version in every way.