General Movie Thread

I guess I’m the only white male born between 1940 and 1990 who thinks the novels of Tom Clancy are just uninteresting fluff.

I liked the first five or so a ton when I was between 13 and 16 years-old. I haven’t returned to them, and I was utterly turned off by his post-Executive Orders turn.


I read a bunch of spy novels in the 80s and early 90s, my preferences were, Follet, Ludlum, and le Carre, but I wouldn’t say Clancy was uninteresting.

I found them enthralling as a teen and have zero need to revisit them.



His novels went from being about global intrigue and techno-babble (in a good, grounded way) to conservative political screeds.

I’m pretty sure The Bear and the Dragon was the last one I read, because it was almost 1000 pages and laughably bad.

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This exactly.

I stopped at Executive Orders. The writing - so to speak - was on the wall at that point.

I think the cover blurb for the next one was “old man yells at clouds”.

Same here, but I think I was like 19. And largely because my friend and I were addicted to the Hunt for Red October game on the Commodore 64.

When we were watching British movies, we watched David Lean’s Great Expectations from the 40s. It’s a beautiful movie, and a great book. Dr Zhivago, Lawrence of Arabia and Passage to India are also Lean book adaptations, but I don’t think I’ve read the books.

There are a lot of fine Jane Austen adaptations. And I’ll second Master and Commander.

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I appreciate novels about Cold War tension, but I just never go into Clancy. I’m more of a fan of Alistair Maclean in that regard. Everybody gotta be somewhere, I guess.

General Movie Thread becomes General Book Thread


Yeah, that’s on me. I take full responsibility for my actions.

Well, it was General Music Thread for a while too.

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We’re halfway through February on Rom-Coms, and for Valentines this is the list so far:

Sherlock Jr.
It Happened One Night
The Englishman who Went Up a Hill and Came Down a Mountain
Groundhog Day
4 Weddings and a Funeral
(500) Days of Autumn
Much Ado About Nothing
The Lady Eve
Romancing the Stone
His Girl Friday

There were three failures, movies that we started but couldn’t watch: Baby Boom (Diane Keaton), Long Shot (Charise Theron), and 10 Things I Hate About You (who knows).

My own personal preference for Valentine’s is always Casablanca, but almost anything on that list is pretty good.

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Given that books and movies are blending together in this thread, how about “You’ve Got Mail”? Tom Hanks being peak Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan being peak Meg Ryan.

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We actually watched that for some reason a couple of months ago, and watched some stuff like Once, Yesterday, and Notting Hill during British movie month. I think we may watch Sleepless In Seattle tonight, not because I like the movie–I can’t remember–but because it shows up first on every best Rom-Com list.


Oh yeah. I forgot to put the Super Bowl on the list.

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My daughter and her husband watch a horror movie every Valentine’s Day. When she was pregnant with her daughter the watched Rosemary’s Baby. Oops.


You’ve Got Mail is an update and remake of The Shop Around the Corner, which is better.

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