General Movie Thread

Starship Troopers was a superb satire on fascism/right-wing militarism. And it was right over the right wing nut’s heads. See also “Report, The Colbert”.


If I was in charge of hiring, what someone takes from “Starship Troopers” would be an acid test question.


To be fair, I suppose I should add that I wasn’t going to see Top Gun anyway.

Denise Richards.

Do I get the job?

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Awesome. I should clarify the movie was satire. The novel was staright up miltary praise. Heinlein thought only strong, aggressive countries would last.

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Yep. And a key to the Executive Bathroom.

I was partial to the curly haired redhead who gets nekkid, whatever her name was.

It’s a shame they never made an actual proper (not the schlock they churned out) sequel to that movie.

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…director Tony Scott admitted he was forced to shoot the volleyball scene by the studio, who wanted to make the film more like a sports movie than a war picture. So he gave them what they wanted: He says he “slicked the boys up with baby oil” and “shot it like a softcore porno.” The song playing is Kenny Loggins’ “Playing with the Boys.”

Well, that’s not exactly what studio execs wanted. On THR‘s podcast Behind the Screen, the original film’s editors described what they were actually looking for. “That scene was scripted as a real game,” said Chris Lebenzon. “They kept score and everything — and Tony shot it like a commercial, and they were angry.”

“The studio was so pissed off,” fellow editor Billy Weber added. “The head of production, Charlie McGuire, he said, ‘I’m gonna fire him’ … because he spent a whole day shooting this scene.”


I would love to meet one person who ever thought of Top Gun as a sports movie. Not even Bill Simmons would say that.

I would love to meet one person who ever thought it was about anything other than forbidden gay love.

Nekkid redheads make everything better.


Thus the MAGA fans

Top Gun, in a nutshell.

Man, there is no hope for me.

A good reason not to film that scene as scripted is because that script was bullshit. Why on earth did you need to have a metaphor for the competition between these guys when they were in the middle of an actual competition? Keeping score? They were already doing that too.

Any director worth his salt would’ve tossed that hamfisted garbage into the shredder.

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Dina Meyer

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I’ll be in my bunk.

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I wouldn’t steer you wrong when it comes to nekkid redheads

I like nekkid any hair color.