A bunch of people, come and gone.
I miss Fletcher. Great guy, funny as hell
Wait a minute: Neil went to Baylor? That pretty much rules him out as my twin.
Neal, and yes. KA at BU with Fletcher. Bob Neal. Not NeilT of bow tie fame.
He was hilarious. A fantastic, understated sense of humor, informed by all manner of obscure knowledge. I still chuckle about his description of you emerging from a smoke-filled wigwam in your backyard; I have no idea where that came from, but the imagery was tremendous.
Ah, thanks, I was confused.
Yeah, I don’t remember where that came from either. He lived around the corner from me in those days.
Wrong Neil. I went to Texas.
ETA: not wrong Neil, another Neal.
Tony Eusebio

Limey, Gleach, Ybodeous, and was the other guy, Taurus Bulba?
That was a fun day. I got a random invite from Gleach to play golf with “the Bobs”, which ended up with us in Drayton’s seats at that night’s game. A game which turned against us on a bullshit out call of Bergman sliding in at the plate.
HP ump may not have enjoyed much of his night thereafter.
Dave Clark.
It was Dave, right?
Taras was a Sarah Palin loving nutcase dumbass. I don’t miss that guy at all. Ybbodeus was a chill dude who decided that his views on drinking were at odds with the general Southern Baptist philosophy and switched to Anglicism or some other social climberish bullshit.
I had no idea shrimp boats could stay out for 30 days or that my fresh shrimp might be 30 days in the hole. Happily the boats here don’t stay out that long.
The answer to Navin’s question is obviously either Ybbodeus or Jim with that watermelon hat cocked off sideways.

Taras was a Sarah Palin loving nutcase dumbass.
Man, I must have been missing something.
I knew Fletcher well. We were neighbors and friends. He is a great guy, and I have no clue about his politics.
Well, he was, but obviously I don’t run around expecting everyone else to see things my way.
I don’t recall the specifics but he and I had a run in here about Palin and maybe other things and he promptly unfriended me on social media. Like the pussy ass bitch he is. In addition to being a Palin loving dumbfuck. And then he got butthurt for other reasons and without my direct involvement and left for good. Like the pussy ass bitch he is. In addition to being a Palin loving dumbfuck.

I don’t recall the specifics but he and I had a run in here about Palin and maybe other things and he promptly unfriended me on social media. Like the pussy ass bitch he is. In addition to being a Palin loving dumbfuck. And then he got butthurt for other reasons and without my direct involvement and left for good. Like the pussy ass bitch he is. In addition to being a Palin loving dumbfuck.
Oh, come on, tell us how you really feel.
A good percentage of people deal with causticity by avoidance. Usually because they are pussy ass bitches but maybe not always.
hey you see that painting epstein had of bill clinton in a dress and Red high heels really makes you think doesn’t it??.
No. I haven’t and no thanks for the image.