Electric Vehicles

Apparently outsourcing national defense to a Bond villain is a bad idea. Who knew?

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He looks like he’s been getting into the spice cabinet aa little too hard.


Definitely too much Turmeric water.

I saw one of these delivering packages for FedEx on my street yesterday. I talked briefly to the driver and he said he liked it a lot. The “torquey” motor is probably nice in hilly neighborhoods like mine.


Starting to see the Amazon vans by Rivian on a regular basis now.

Working for Amazon in almost any capacity probably sucks, but this van is at least helpful. It blows my mind that there are still delivery trucks in use in 2023 that do not have a/c.

Heard the other day that Amazon’s own delivery service is now larger than UPS and FedEx combined. Bezos keeps his trap shut and just continues to take over the world.


If you’re working for Amazon it probably needs a built-in bathroom too.

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Adding on the increase in size of the city. Regardless of transportation mode, it would get busier. They don’t expand a road and it’s permanently fixed. It seems roads are always being fixed in Houston. They fixed Richmond a number of years ago. At times now it can feel like a roller coaster ride.

One problem facing Amazon’s logistics growth is that at some point, possibly very soon, they might literally run out of people to hire in their warehouses. Their available workforce will be comprised of people who are currently working in Amazon warehouses and people who have already worked in Amazon warehouses.


A similar question of scale I saw recently:

Apple’s AirPods alone would be a Fortune 500 company

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We will all end up working for one of the three corporations that run the world.

“Now all restaurants are Taco Bell”


Every employee of Amazon Web Services I speak to loves working there. Every single one.

I’m convinced that the future dystopia is not “1984”, but Kurt Vonnegut’s “Player Piano”. We’re all just reeks and wrecks.

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JFC, I had one of these!

Screenshot 2023-12-01 at 7.43.18 AM


… and would be fired if they said otherwise to the taxpayers, their biggest “customer.”

This is why the CyberTruck is dead on its (eventual) arrival.

I know that, in reality, anyone buying a CyberTruck is doing so in the hope that Elon will notice and throw a facial tick their way. But this just highlights how long it took Tesla to get this to market; other manufacturers were able to bootstrap an electric truck and get it to market a year ago.

Fun Fact: The cheapest CyberTruck won’t be available until 2025…according to Musk. :thinking:

Perhaps Elon could take time from his psychotic break to explain how one charges an electric vehicle in a post apocalyptic landscape.

He’s told customers that the truck will float, and has made the windows (allegedly) unbreakable. Can anyone else see the future here?

I find this guy a bore, so I don’t know much about him from the past, but has he always been fucking crazy or has he gotten worse recently? He, and Trump, have seemed to deteriorate lately. Not sure if it’s the coddling nature of their public entourage, or just the slow progression of mental illness.

Society these days just seems too unhinged to care or notice.