Electric Vehicles

For one, we all agree NOT to say “Shut up, Wesley”


The old meme still applies:


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I don’t know this for a fact, but I know it’s true:

Musk is claiming that Apple has threatened to remove Twitter from the App Store, and whined at Tim Cook directly. I am starting to think that this might be a tell, like with Trump. When he’s just heard some bad news, he whips out his phone and starts crying on the internet.

And the Google equivalent. Which both directly result from Musk’s refusal to moderate any content.

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Twitter, in particular, has significant security concerns too, and that’s something that Apple genuinely takes seriously.

He is whining worse than the kid that smells that no one wants to play with.


Except that Elon rolled around in shit first


There’s more than a bit of Howard Hughes in there.

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Have you seen this shit?

Use a coaster.


So he supports murdering visitors in their bed on Christmas. Wow.

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Man, I mute that fucker for a reason.


Twitter missed paying the salaries of staff in the UK and Germany. Apparently, people are randomly receiving their pay, suggesting that it’s being sent manually.

I don’t know about Germany but, in the UK, you get paid once a month right at the end. You set all your bills to come out right after the direct deposit is due to drop and whatever’s left is what you have for the month.

These people will have, at best, incurred fees and charges if they needed the paycheck to cover their rent/mortgage etc. Worse, they may have had bills rejected.

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You say that like Musk gives a single shit about humans.


The EU, and probably the UK, have employment laws about this sort of shit.

The Boring Company is an absolute scam.

Musk has admitted that he uses the promises of cheap tunnels to head off rail projects because he doesn’t like the idea of having to travel next to people. I’m not kidding.

Bringing it ever so slightly back to electric vehicles, here’s where my EV is, updated every few minutes:

Getting excited!


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I had to layover in LA this past Monday and Tuesday between my 2 trips and decided to head to the Rivian Spot in Venice Beach after I was done enjoying some day-imbibing and watching the USMNT/Copa Mundial.
Got to put my arse in the R1S (I’ve had it on order since last November), got to touch and play with every single thing on it, ask tons of questions to the friendly and informed staff and I’m impressed/excited.
Hope to do a test drive at the El Segundo Service Center on a future layover in LA, and I’m supposed get my R1S in the spring. Oh, and the Rivian Service Center here in Austin isn’t far from my place.

So I have that going for me.
Which is nice.

Btw, elon musk molests collies in his spare time.