Signs point to a(nother) pathological lie/hoax by Limey.
Musk is pivoting Tesla from an EV company to an AI and robotics company to try to ride the current AI wave.
He can no longer bullshit credibly about EVs because people have seen his shit fail to materialize or just fail, so he needs to move on to the next new thing.
Musk claimed the idea for a subway was a unique genius of his (Boring Company) and robbed the taxpayers of Nevada and claimed the Tesla could almost drive itself after copying Honda’s ACC and LKAS and robbed the sheeple as in here…
This seems notable:
It’s sexbots all the way down
The shocking development here is that Tesla had a “public policy team”
It’s now a pubic policy team.
Too easy.
I wonder what the plans are for that mile-long building in SE Austin as Tesla turns into a shell of itself.
That may be the most confused handle/email I’ve ever seen.
It’ll be condos with a Starbucks under them 2 weeks after the bankruptcy.
She’s a pretty funny follow.
Musk admits that Teslas are deliberately hobbled so that he can charge more money down the road.
It also means that they’re carrying the weight of battery capacity they cannot access, and that charging to 80% is actually charging to less than 80%.
This reminds me of when he decided that the cameras were good enough and turned off all the radars, despite the cameras not yet being able to handle the park assist function. So that capability that had been paid for was just taken away by Musk on a whim.
And then he blames hybrids for Tesla’s piss-poor sales performance.
Not electric, but a vehicle:
any of you guy have knowledge/experience with newfangled riding lawnmowers?
Not tractor, not zero-turn, but a heavy duty riding mower?
Listen, I like George Jones as much as the next guy, but you really shouldn’t think of him as a rule model.
If you’re planning to race her you’re gonna want after market fenders so she runs light.