And all of these folks who view masks as a political statement are missing the point. They’re really an IQ statement.


More than ever in our country’s history, those two things are intertwined.

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I am truly dismayed at how selfish the citizens of this country have become. Can you imagine this citizenry making the sorts of sacrifices that people made in the 40s? I can’t.


I think it’s indecent exposure to not wear a mask in public. No one complains about having to wear pants.


The hedonism founded in the 60’s and 70’s is now 3 generations entrenched. But the “love one another” part has evaporated away.

The rationale behind not wearing masks defies logic. The science is clear, even to a first-grader. As is the notion that a small act on your part is in the massive best interest of those around you. As the great Pravata used to say, “it’s paramecium-level thinking”.

For over 200 years, the constitution has given us certain rights to do things and to not have things done to us. And, our government has a 200+ year history of suspending some of those rights during crisis and national emergency. That’s what good governments do, in service to the citizens it is serving. Regardless of those realities, and even if you can chart a twisted, tortured path through the text of the constitution, constitutional law and science to validate your non-mask-wearing Ideology, it does not change the fact that not wearing one makes you a selfish asshole.


This is the most damning part for me.


Florida just posted 11,458 cases for today beating the previous record, set Thursday, by more than 1,000.

Sow the wind, reap the exponential whirlwind.

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Making me wear a mask restricts my Second Amendment rights.

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I wonder if, under Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” laws, it would be legal to bust a cap in some no-mask-wearing plague rat motherfucker for looking like he intended to get within six feet?

Of course, Florida being Florida, I’m sure we’ll get a test case soon.

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I wonder if people who attend the convention from out of state will be allowed back into their states.

They shouldn’t be allowed out of Florida.

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(sorry Ty)

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Apparently Don Jr’s girlfriend has now tested positive. Imagine that.

“You can go state to state? No papers?”

“Not any more, comrade.”

“I would have liked to have seen Florida.”

For what?


If only there was a way to nominate a post. That is funny!!!

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Go easy. It’s the first test she’s had in her life with a positive result.

I know I should not be amazed, but I am: with the virus raging nearly out of control. and with everyone from Dr. Fauci to Mitch McConnell imploring Americans to wear masks, and with every public health expert and medical professional from sea to shining sea practically begging the country to stay home during the Fourth of July weekend and to stay out of crowds to celebrate, Trump held two large, crowded rallies, maskless, and without any attempt at distancing. He invited and encouraged thousands of now-healthy ordinary citizens to disregard safety and to ignore responsible behavior and medical advice and to put themselves and their loved ones at risk of death to join him in giving a middle finger to those who advocate and advise caution in this deadly pandemic.

Trump is saying “Fuck you” to now-healthy people and “I do not care” to public health advice which can end this virus nightmare someday. He cares only about himself and his re-election. As long as he stays healthy, he does not give a damn about you or about me or about any of those people at his irresponsible rallies.

Trump long ago went beyond stupid and incompetent narcissism. He is malevolent Evil personified walking the earth. He is a coward and a traitor and a disgrace to the office he holds. He must be defeated and banished to the judgment of history and, ultimately, to eternal damnation and Hell.


3 million.

I know Jim’s post got a lot of likes, but it’s not quite that many.