This is not the worst idea. That’s the way it is for an offensive penalty in your own end zone. It’s the same as being down at the spot and the result is a safety. If the defense commits a spot foul like PI in their own end zone, it’s a touchdown for the offense. There are crazier rules.
This. So much this. The penalty try is such a great equalizer. When it’s a deliberate foul/penalty to prevent a likely try, it’s an easy decision by the referee to award one. Other times, the referee will warn the defense, keep doing this (e.g. collapsing an attacking scrum) and I’m awarding a penalty try. In other words, fuck around and find out.
The communication between the officials and the players in rugby is one of the reasons why officiating in rugby is head and shoulders above every other form of football/futbol.
You nailed the perfection of the penalty try, because it can be awarded for one egregious and obvious “professional” foul, or for continued and repeated infractions which add up to the same thing.
I have never seen a penalty try awarded where not everyone saw it coming.
The alternative is figuring how to give a significant advantage to the offense. Another first and goal from the one when the defense will just keep doing it and continue to willingly give up first and goal from the one is not a significant advantage.
I think it being automatically a TD for a single end zone PI infraction would be harsh. Especially given the randomness with which PI is called (to put it politely).
But in the game situation last night, two PIs on consecutive passes into the end zone - if the penalty TD rule existed - should at least have prompted a “that’s the last one” from the refs to the defensive captain, if not a penalty TD itself depending on how the rule was written and customarily enforced.
Coming back to one of my pet peeves in futbol: when the referee decides that a player has denied an obvious goal-scoring opportunity - a “DOGSO” as it is known - he sends off the offending player and awards a free kick. A free kick that is now available to be fully defended by the entire team as opposed to it just being the attacker vs. the keeper as it was before the DOGSO foul.
My wish is that a DOGSO anywhere on the field should be a yellow card and a penalty. There is nothing in the nature of the game that says this cannot happen; it’s a choice in the rules that is all. If a team was denied a goal-scoring opportunity, resurrect that opportunity by awarding a penalty.
Players and coaches exploit these gaping holes in the rules to their advantage every game. There are obvious fixes available that the respective governing bodies simply refuse to implement. It’s so fucking annoying it boils my brain.
In last night’s game, was that going to stop OSU from doing it again? And again? And again?
It doesn’t take talent to grapple anyone trying to run past you when you have total indifference to being called for PI. So going to 2nd and 3rd string DBs isn’t much of a punishment.
Honestly, if you knew for certain they would do it, it makes it easy on the offense. Just run from the one twice, if you don’t score, throw it and get your PI and repeat.