College Football 2023

At least his hire didn’t almost start a riot?

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As I expected, Horns stay at 7. They need wins by Washington, Georgia & Louisville plus a blowout against Okie State to have a chance.

Hard disagree. Louisville win will get them in regardless of the other results. (Assuming a win over Okie Lite, of course.)

Agree, also a Bama (or Hawkeye) win will do the trick, IMO.

Late breaking Aggie Coaching Hire news!


Sigh…pour one out for the OSU PR department today. Dead longhorn found outside FarmHouse fraternity house

This is likely the work of my old fraternity too (I have no proof of this, but it’s highly likely). Just ridiculous.

Don Harris (San Antonio local TV sports news guy) is reporting murmurs that UH will hire Tulane’s Willie Fritz:


Seems like an odd move for Fritz. Not because of U of H, but I just assumed at his age, he’d stay put and retire at Tulane. Really like the guy and hope he has a lot of success, if it comes to pass.

He said last year he plans on retiring after his Tulane gig is up in 2030, but like all things college sports (including the report), it’s taken with a mountain of salt.

This should be a fun watch

I’ve got Washington +9.5. I hope that’s enough.

UW looked like they might be ready to put it away at 20-3 with 1:39 in Q2. Ducks get the ball back and go straight down the field to cut it to 20-10 at halftime.

Thanks to a particularly shaky DPI call on 3rd down that kept the drive alive. Without that BS they’re looking at a FG.

Penix seems to have no feel for pressure.

Nix may be undraftable if the wobble on that INT is indicative.

Bears will take him.

Maybe we should have given some credit to the team that actually won the first matchup.


UW offense better win this as I doubt their defense will prevent another Duck score.

UW won the line of scrimmage on both sides of the ball.

Nix didn’t have a bad game
21/34 for 239 3 TD and the Int (I bet he didn’t know the defender could come back in to catch it)

He had 6 rushes for 69 yards.
The running backs had 55 yards on 14 carries. UW dominated the line of scrimmage - the team that does that usually wins