College FB Conference Realignment (here we go again)

The UT coaches unanimously opposed the PAC 12 back then because of the time zone difference. UT was going to the ACC if the Big 12 had not gotten organized.

When did that happen?

Yeah, I knew that was the wrong word when I typed it.

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I really wish the B12 had gone hard at Clemson and FSU when they were showing some interest and were unhappy with the ACC…then the ACC did their ridiculously long media deal (which is soon to be totally antiquated) and that was that.

Shouldn’t the move provide more in the way of recruits? Texas kids who were lost to AL and such may rethink if they can play in the SEC and stay closer to home. Seems that was and is the case lately.

Texas recruiting was never the problem. Developing the players has been a problem for 10+ years.


Gotta prove something on the field, but yes, the thinking is that some of the bluest of blue chips (cough…Brockermeyers…cough…Garrett Wilson…etc…) may decide to stay home due to the increased competition and exposure (which with the NIL deal now means $$$)

It seems to me that every time they had a can’t miss recruit committed, they proceeded to de-commit soon after. Maybe it has nothing to do with it.

To add: What Lefty said above.

Winning games has everything to do with it; nothing else does.


If they can’t keep recruits, they won’t win in any conference, especially the SEC. It’s hard enough where they are. Exposure may provide the difference needed to do that.

Texas will keep recruits. Decommitments happen in every school because Hs kids are fickle, and there are lots of players out there.

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Winning absolutely matters. For whatever it’s worth I will say that there have been several big time recruits for A&M who said they wanted to play against the best, and the best play in the SEC.

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Not sure I’d include all of college athletics in there but certainly my attitude towards college football over the last several decades. And how long will it take before fans of non-Power Five (Power Four? Power Three? SEC?) programs realize just how irrelevant their football team and the expensive bauble they play in truly is.

The death spiral is fascinating as hell to watch however.

Now for something completely different but college sports related. Our son, who is a SR at Auburn, decided to try out for cheerleader and made the team. So this will be a season of first for me. First time cheer parent, first time season ticket holder, and will attend my first Iron Bowl. I am sure there are others. I am more excited about this football season than I have ever been and it has nothing to do with my expectations for Auburn’s season. (8-4 will be a successful season this year)

He won’t find out if he will travel to which away games until the end of 2 a days (yes cheer 2 a days). He really wants to experience Death Valley on the field and hope to go to Kyle field too.


That is so cool!

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That’s awesome, you gonna try to travel to any of his away games?

We would like to, but a lot of things have to fall in place.

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Yeah, going to the SEC is a pretty big thing for Texas football recruiting. They’ve been on the outside looking in on a number of recruits who went to A&M and other SEC schools for the competition and exposure.

I’m one who loves college football and views the latest NIL, expanded playoffs and coming realignment as just as likely being positive forces as negative forces. NIL might eventually level the field, and if it doesn’t, result in a stratification that would be equally attractive. Basically, a championship for the bigs P5 types and a championship for the G5 types, as well as the current championship D1 and D2. Similar to the high school setup, with lots of competitive playoffs to conclude the season.

When was the last time you watched an FCS championship or playoff game?

A few months ago. I watch every year.