College Basketball 24-25

Great win. Coogs and Horns did good things today.


Auburn wins an absolute rock fight to beat Tenn 53-51.
Johnni Broome returns but still not 100%. Still he went for 16 points and 13 boards.
Auburn has beaten 7 ranked teams this year and are 11-1 in quad 1 games.

HUGE OT win by Texas Tech 82-81 at U of H.

McCasland was ejected early in the game on a questionable call and the team rallied.

Tech made some incredible shots when they had to. Great effort.

Tech has two home losses, a bad loss to UCF and an OT one-point loss to ISU. Otherwise, they would be a top ten team. Nice progress in MCasland’s second season.

It is blowout Saturday in the SEC - the closest game thus far is Auburn’s 10 point win over Ole Miss in Oxford. The rest of the games are all by 20 points are more.
Bama beats UGA by 21
Tenn gets revenge on Fla by 20
Mizzou stomps Miss State by 27
OU blasts Vandy by 30
UT beats LSU by 31
TAMU and South Car & ARK and UK are still playing.

Vandy with a nice job celebrating their ascension into the top 25.

Tech shot lights out tonight. Hat tip. Coogs had won 18 Big12 games in a row, luck was due to run out at some point. Wasn’t a fan of Tech fans cheering when we had a player injured or doing the stupid Raider Power chant when we are trying to honor our Tennis team, but whatever.

They were the better team today, gutsy win, especially considering one of their best players getting booted, from what sounds like a pretty questionable call.

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Classless Tech fans?! What is this world coming to?


They should have thrown bottles at the refs, like the oh so classy Texas fans.

They weren’t cheering the injury, they were cheering the play.

It was a ridiculous call. But, Big XII officiating is terrible in general.

Tech shot 40% 3 pointers. That won’t happen often. They were somewhat forced into it by the loss of Toppin. Cougars defense will usually prevail in such a case, Tech was fortunate to be shooting so well.

Tech fans show up at road games.

Those who live in bread houses should throw no tortillas there, champ.

If you want to talk about lack of class, that conversation starts and ends with tempe normal. From yesterday’s loss to Arizona…

The biggest difference being Tech fans don’t claim moral superiority. In the longhorn fan’s defense, their violence and threats of further violence against the officials was successful.

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Bullshit. They cheer injuries.

You are such a typical Tech fan. Poor, downtrodden, always a victim.

What’s it like being so far up your own ass you’re looking out of your mouth?

Jesus Christ.

ah…“moral superiority” and “threats of violence”

Don’t shake that bus, right?

The Longhorns defecated the sheets spectacularly in the first half and have been down as much as 20 but are trying to mount a comeback against Arky.

A loss would be seriously problematic for their bubble hopes.

ETA: Horns lose by 8. Make sure you’re not using pen for any bracket projections for them.

It’s always open season on me and other Tech fans around here. On the rare occasion I give some pushback you whine like a lil’ bitch and act like your shit don’t stink. I got news for you, Buck-O, EVERY fanbase has fans that cross the line. I call out Tech fans when they do, but you act like Longhorn fans are as pure as the fucking driven snow.

You are so full of shit it spews out of your horns like a golf course sprinkler.

Instead of escalating the back and forth juvenile insults, admit that Tech fans are often overboard with their zeal and fervor and maybe just take joy in the success of Texas’ ex-coaches. Tennessee is ranked 4th in the nation, while Marquette is 11th and Ole Miss is 25th. In the meantime Texas is unranked.