Baseball Miscellany

Agreed. Things have spiraled way out of control.

Out of curiosity…what does it cover? The Capri Sun and orange slices after the game? Hookers?


Spending $5k on a 7 year old for expenses not related to healthcare or education is damn near criminal.


I’m going to form my own travel team! With blackjack and hookers!


Fixed it for you.

Feel free to tell your friend that a random guy on the internet said this in response, “A fool and his $$ are soon parted…”


And that another random guy on the internet said “what you’re doing is borderline abusive”


And another random guy said…“hmmmm…hookers, you say?”


These are all sentiments that I share.

And by share I mean keep to myself.

The economy ain’t what it use to be. You never wanna go cheap on the hookers though

The coaches get paid. Also, a friend of mine has a kid on a local select team. They bought a $25k camera that has like a $5k annual subscription service to break down arm slots and bat speeds and launch angles, etc…

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Like Baseball. Manfred shouldn’t be allowed to get anywhere near a Baseball decision. Let him deal with Labor issues.

I have a friend who has chickens. I’m certain the chickens are a better investment.

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To make a point with my wife, I calculated the cost per dozen eggs generated by her flock of 6 or 7 chickens.

Including CapEx: $60 per dozen in year 1 and down to like $35 per dozen in year 5 of this stupid enterprise
Without CapEx: $9 per dozen

I’ll have y’all know, no matter how correct my numbers are/were, this was the wrong conversation to have.


Why yes dear, those pants do make your butt look bigger.


To put that $5000/year figure in perspective…

We’ve been looking to get my 12-year-old daughter into a year-round swim team because she 1) enjoys it, and 2) wants to try out for the high school team in a couple years and needs to improve. At her current skill level most local swim teams cost about $2000/year. The most elite youth swimmers - the type that compete at the national level and/or will probably get multiple college scholarship offers - will pay about $3500/year in these programs. With meet entry fees they might get into the $4000-5000 range.

$5000/year for seven-year-old baseball? Get the fuck outta here.


I did spend $20,000 for a piano for a 7-year old. Sometimes I play it, and we use it every Christmas.

I knew I should have sprung for the cello.

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Further perspective…the Fuente Opus X Perfexcion X is about $42/cigar. A box of 32 is $1,320. So for the price of a seven year old travel team entry you can enjoy roughly 120 fine cigars. And for the price of all the elbow pads and sliding mitts, you’ll need, you can buy some damn fine rum. Alternatively, you can purchase 1,000 eggs from Mrs Das.


That falls under the ‘education’ umbrella

You could have a 2-a-day Starbucks addiction and still not spend $5k in a year