Baseball Miscellany

As usual, Lindsay is all over it. And she disagrees with the consensus view:

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Interference is very much a matter of discretion by the umpire. As Lindsay notes, the rule says the runner “can” be called out, not “shall.” I think that was a bad exercise of discretion.


Here’s the way I see it:

Can you call interference there? Absolutely. As Lindsay states, there isn’t any caveat in the rules that says you have to do it knowingly/intentionally to have it called.

Was it tickytack? Also absolutely. If you don’t call Interference there, LITERALLY NOBODY is going to be saying you blew the call/missed it.

PS Junior Valentine is a fucking shitty umpire.


PS Junior Valentine is a fucking shitty umpire

The tackiest of tickytack calls. If interference were called every time a runner and fielder incidentally share space while a ball is in play, the game would be worse for it.

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If it had made one iota of difference in Henderson’s ability to make the catch (which, again, he didn’t even need to do because it had already been called an infield fly), I’d have some sympathy. But it didn’t: he wandered over to the spot and stood there and waited for the ball. Instead we have an umpire who exercises poor discretion and then is too prideful to reverse a bad call (and in one of the rare situations where reversal wouldn’t require undoing a bunch of follow-on action, no less). It was just bad (read: everyday) umpiring.

On a related note: has anybody had a strong enough stomach to read about whatever “unintended consequences” Manfred fears from robo-umps for balls and strikes?

Once it’s Infield Fly called by HPU…how can there be obstruction by a guy walking back to 2B?

In goofing around looking at bad calls, I found this one. It’s from a few years ago, but I don’t recall seeing it. It doesn’t get much worse.

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Isn’t Junior Valentine the phantom balk caller?

On Stanek

One more this year, IIRC.

As a runner, you have to yield the right of way to a fielder attempting to make a play.

It is the runner’s responsibility to stay out of the way/fielder’s path, and intent has zero to do with the call.

Yes, he’s been known as a “ticky tack” umpire for quite a while.

And BTW, I agree with Mark. You can call interference there, but that doesn’t mean you should.


Yeah he swung, but he didn’t really mean it.

The Athletic put out a piece today on Angel Hernandez. Does lightning-rod umpire Angel Hernandez deserve his villainous reputation? ($)

There is this gem:

“Anybody that says he’s the worst umpire in baseball doesn’t know what they’re talking about,” said Joe West, who has umpired more games than anyone ever, and has himself drawn plenty of criticism over the years.

Really that is the best expert witness you could find?

Basically the article says if you know him he is a good guy but as an ump, he’s not statistically the worst (just in the bottom 3rd).

This isn’t the Athletic’s best effort.


And now we’ll kick it to our expert in serial killers, take it away Jeff Dahmer!


I almost said that is like Jeffry Dahmer saying Ted Bundy isn’t that bad of a guy.


He is known for giving all the leftover baseballs to kids on games he HPUs.

What a guy! Giving away something free that he doesn’t pay for after being terrible at his job 90 percent of the time!


I wonder how many of those he would give away if he had to pay the going rate of approx $15 (used) for each one.