Baseball Miscellany


Help me, anybody, understand this. Why is it in the interest of anyone, particularly the owners, to keep a franchise in Oakland? The visiting team gets a share of the gateā€¦they canā€™t be pleased with their Oakland pittance.

And also, as in this case, to throw himself in front of the PR bullets.

Heā€™s easily surpassed Selig, which i previously thought impossible.


I think the Owners probably do not care if they are in Oakland or Vegas, they want expansion, and the massive expansion fee that comes with it. They canā€™t move on to expansion with the Aā€™s still playing in that shithole. Whatever fixes that problem fastest is what they want.

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He may want to talk to Monahan about that. If Monahan can even talk right now.

I still kind of want to piss on Seligā€™s grave.

Certainly. But I want to shit on Manfredā€™s.


To quote a favorite meme of mine: Why not both?


Also important to show theyā€™re willing to shoot the hostage if cities/states wonā€™t pony up taxpayer money for the ransom.

I feel terrible for the people of Oakland, but whenā€™s the last time it took 20 years to get a stadium deal done? At some point you have to cut your losses and move on. Thereā€™s a reason that city has lost 3 major sports franchises in the last what 5 years?


The people of any municipality have precious little to do with anything that involves more than a few dollars.

ETA: other than paying for it.

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Probably that local government realized that spending tax dollars on things like roads and emergency services was better than subsidizing real estate developers.


The two are not mutually exclusive.



Why in the flying fuck are these spoiled billionaires who own sports franchises entitled to so much in public funds for their stadiums? (rhetorical question, I know).
There was a superb article in Sports Illustrated years ago deconstructing the pervasive myth of the enormous economic benefits new stadiums purportedly bring when given public funding. These asshats line their already rich pockets then scream how difficult they have it all the while municipalities and cities struggle to adequately take care of infrastructure, teachers/schools, EMS, et al.
Color me one bitter ass chipmunk who was kicked swiftly in my Mommy-Daddy buttons by that fuckstick and waste of skin bud adams taking my beloved Houston Oilers to nashvull (and may the adams family along with the tennesee flaming thumb-tacks fail miserably always and forever), but I feel for fans who lose their sports teams due to the petulant and greedy nature of many owners.



They are still the Tennessee traitors IMHO. I am not so cool on money spent on schools not going to what I consider an education. Reading, writing and arithmetic as well as critical thinking. Another IMHO.

A perfectly reasonable stance to take, if youā€™re prepared to see the team leave.

It is sad. Despite their cheap ways. Fielded good teams over time. Had my brother not gave me baseball card collection, might have never known played in Philly. Donā€™t know 4th city.

Itā€™s not. Which by is why he doesnā€™t give a fuck about the fans in Oakland.