Baseball Miscellany

Agree that could have gotten out of hand in a hurry.

A guy I went to HS with (a year older then me) was playing RF in a JUCO game when a melee broke out.

The opponent’s bullpen swarmed him in the OF and broke his jaw.

Glad to see that last one didn’t escalate.

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In Mark’s junior year, our biggest rival kicked our ass in a district game and taunted us unmercifully. Our players had driven to the field from our nearby school, and both teams’ players would take the same route driving home. I read our players the riot act about getting into trouble with the other team’s loudmouths driving back to our school. They had strict instructions to take the crap the other team was dishing out and to go straight back.

Of course, our senior first baseman had had all the taunting he wanted, and he got into a fight with their biggest loudmouth right in the slap dab middle of a very busy intersection. He apologized to me after the fact and accepted his punishment sheepishly.

I chewed his butt like a daddy would and suspended him for the next game. Mark got his first-ever HS start at 1B in the next game because of the suspension and got three hits in a win that day.


Random factoid:

56 years ago today, May 10, 1967, Hank Aaron hit an inside the park home run against the Phillies at Connie Mack Stadium in Philadelphia. It was the only inside the park variety of his 755 career dingers.


Sorry, guys, but the buzzers were real

Man, Arozarena just made a fantastic catch against the Yankees. Unfortunately, the next guy drove in a run, but without Arozarena’s catch that would have been two.

Outstanding coaching!
Thanks for the link!

Proof that baseball is really a game for kids.
His face - says it ALL.

How the hell did I just get an MLB notification for “The Expos beat the Astros, 6-4”?!?!


Ken Forsch!

I was so fucking confused.

I got one that the Astros beat the Padres 2-1 in 21 innings? In 1971?

I’ve gotten like 8 notifications from Astros games between 1971-73

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They’re nonstop. It’s getting very annoying.

Joe Morgan and Cesar Cedeno went 0-16!


There’s only 9,690 games in franchise history so it’ll be over soon.


According to reddit, this is happening for everyone. Atbat has gone haywire I guess

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I am getting them also. WTF?

Just turn notifications off.

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Where are you getting these?

MLB at bat app