Let’s not make that mistake
Apparently Jake did not hear you
Dubon makes it 2 down, oh so meekly … dammit
Bregman singles, can Tuck make it matter?
Tucker singles, but we still need to score
Sure hope Abreu handles game pressure better than I do
We are now 2 for 11 with RISP
Once AGAIN we have found a way to get more hits but fewer runs …
Bottom of the 1st killed us… Still a good come from behind kind of team - gonna have to get used to this.
Pitch was chin high for goodness sake.
Fantastic - a lead off walk - how about a kick us in the nuts too while you’re at it Hec
Slurp shit, HPU.
That was strike 3.
Yep. Neris had to throw a lot more pitches to get Bryant.
Is this the fucker who broke Tuve’s wrist?
Someone had a note somewhere that he has been thru some tough times himself.
I’ll see if I can find it.
Come on, Astros, we’re running out of at-bats to get scoring
Very tough, iirc.