Astros @ Mariners, September 27, 2023

Well, at least we still have a lead.

Hope our bats get more runs, but that means depending on Bregman …

At least it wasn’t a grand slam.

Don’t even say it.

That Peña toss to Altuve was near disaster.

Now that’s pumping sunshine.


Desperate times, bro.

Yordan & Tuck now have a little competition…
Dubon showed 'em how it’s done w/ men on base.

If Bregman is steadfastly going to refuse to hit it would be fantastic if he’d at least field his fucking position.

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Mariners bringing in the lefty

Be nice if we said hello with another 4 Astros runs

Make 'em work, Guys.
Swing only at strikes!

Because not giving them right back after a big inning is out of the question

We should just change the name the GameZone to Astros Sunshine Happy Thoughts Camp.

Framber has done a great job coming back from the brink…

“Astros still have their bullpen going”

I fucking hope so

Just fight, guys. Put up sone good ABs and play clean defense.

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You don’t ask for a fucking appeal, Altuve

Altuve with a leadoff double!

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OK, lead off hit

Don’t fuck up, Bregman

Let’s GO!