Astros at Angels 12 July, '22

"You obviously have no idea what good music is. Rush is toocomplicated for you to understand.

Stick to Def Leopard."

-Rush fan

I can name a bunch of them because during the years of their peak popularity I was, for one of those years, 12. Then I turned 13.

At some point during that period I was awake in bed late at night listening to KLOL the Innovator not the Imitator on my clock radio the one with the numbers that flip over. For no real reason it occurred to me to wonder if there was anything other than weird religion down at the other end of the dial. I rolled it down into the 80’s and was promptly electrified by the music that I heard. I guess you could argue that that’s another sort of weird religion.

I think you’re right, that Yes would occupy the same sort of space.

Ragnarok is the end of the world and the death of the gods

Right, that’s why I say “hey man, nice shot”

It’s also a great movie

Another thing that throws me off - your favorite band is Kansas.

Far more esoteric than Rush.

Deaf Leopard

Come on, man, the opportunity was right there.

Trout out.

Altuve reaches on an E5.
Diaz walks.

It’s a Thor-gone conclusion. Jose Marte in.

Tucker Ks swinging.
Bregman flies out to U.C.B.
Yuli lines out to U.C.B.

After 4.5, Astros lead 3-1.

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I actually kinda like that. Who the fuck’s favorite band, who I also admire, is fucking Kansas?

Well, I mean, so are the Monkees as far as I’m concerned.

Handsome actor George Peppard?

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I had a general policy in the late 70s to automatically hate any band named after a place, a mode of transportation, and going somewhere or being from someplace. You know your Journeys, your Kansas, your Bostons, Head Easts, REO Speedwagons, Foreigners, Asias, Starships and what have yous.

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It’s probably a short list.

You can find out who next time Kansas rolls through town as long as you’re willing to travel out to Shenanigans in Bacliff or Scooter’s Ice House in Rosenberg.

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Back when I was at Fondren Jr. High, HISD did this thing they called “Mini-Courses”. They were one or two week courses on topics the students could choose. I chose Norse mythology as one of mine.

I worked with a girl who hated any song where they spelled out words.

Her name wasn’t Lola, was it?


I also worked with a British Rita.

She was neither a meter maid nor a fan of the song.

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I was having a discussion with some chaps not too long ago and when I say discussion I mean I was telling them that Foreigner is an astonishing band in that literally, LITERALLY all of their known songs are fucking terrible.

I looked more into it and I realized that they have songs that are well known and objectively terrible that I didn’t even know were Foreigner, I just knew they sucked. Outstanding consistency.

I have a minor in history, with an emphasis on Vikings and European barbarians. Viking history is pretty cool.