Angels at Astros, 8/11/23

Tell that to my friends in 5th ward. Told them one time may not understand because white. They laughed and said you are as black as us. We have known you for years. I share my opinion, they respect that. It is easy to make an assumption based on a board. During the pandemic helped pass out and deliver food in pandemic. The number of white people in 5th ward, I joke you can count on one hand. We are all human. Was riding bus 2 months ago and guy was giving driver a hard time. After guy got off, told black guy in front of me. It doesn’t matter what color your skin is, it is what’s in your heart. An arse is still going to be an arse, a good person is still going to be a good person. Keep life simple. Wake up in the AM smile and try to make others smile. A motto of mine.

You post about “illegals” giving me Covid should get you banned. I hope it does. If you had any sense, you would leave on your own.


I became a fan as the Colt .45s were formed. By the time Loel Passe retired, I had finished college, responded to an offer (an “invitation” I could not refuse that lead to a couple years out of the US - mercifully, not in VN) and settled mostly in GA/FL.

A Hurricane Wilma power outage in S. FL spared me from the 2005 WS. It felt like it took days to learn the outcome. (In my mind, it never happened & doesn’t count!)

The voices of the other Astros broadcasters are familiar, but the voice in my head is mainly Loel Passe.

“Watch him MOTATE down that line!”

I didn’t mind him being a homer!

He’s the voice of the Rockets to me. I’ve never really listened to them since he left.

“Backing it in, backing it in, backing it in…”

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Why? Many of us were forced to do stuff we didn’t necessarily want to do at the time. Not done at border. Ban me for what? Speaking my mind. I told my friend, who happens to be black, that the board I [participate on called me racist. She couldn’t stop laughing.

You use the term ‘illegals’.

That term is used by many to dehumanize immigrants who arrived to this country illegally.

In other words, it’s used by racists.

Admittedly not everyone who uses it falls into that category.

But in the context you used it, it’s racist.

Fair enough. But I shouldn’t have to parse words on a regular basis to have a conversation. I will say the wrong thing at times. No one is perfect. I apologize. Friend called me back asked me what I said to make people angry. You never hurt anyone. But words can be hurtful. Again, I apologize.

Here’s a thought. If you don’t want to be called a racist, don’t say racist shit.

Stop getting your talking points from the right wing outrage machine and actually do some homework instead of vomiting out the barely disguised racist dogwhistle bullshit they feed you.

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Because we may not walk the same line. Does not make me racist. Because I am conservative, does not make right or wrong. Some just hate anyone with a difference of opinion. Sunday after church in the dead end, south Houston volunteered to serve food. What are you doing Sunday?

Man, you love hiding behind things you do that you think shield you from being a racist.

On Sundays I walk my dog, go play floorball, then go out for a few beers with friends.

I’ve never called any of them illegal, nor do I care what the color of their skin is, where they came from, or what their political beliefs are.

What I do care about is surrounding myself with people who aren’t racist pieces of shit who hide behind religion or their “black friend” as an excuse to say awful shit about other people just because they’re not as lucky as I am/was to have been born in the USA to a good family. (editing to add: I’m actually even luckier than that. I was adopted in to a good family.)

Fuck off, Bruce, until you go and call a Hispanic person an illegal to their face. Then I’ll come visit you in the hospital, maybe.

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I could care less if you are conservative or liberal. Democrat or Republican. Human or Martian.

“Illegals” is a disparaging way to refer to humans.

To assume that a group you disparage and obviously think low of caused Jim’s unfortunate COVID with absolutely no reason to do so, is disgusting.

Trying to justify yourself instead of being accountable and trying to act human in the future is worse.

You say you aren’t a racist and I don’t know you from Adam, but you sure are acting like one.


He’s already played the “I can’t be racist, I have black friends” card. Now it’s the “I go to church, so” one. Which is equally as lame.


I’m just waiting for the “my family immigrated here, legally” to finish off my racist old fuckstick bingo card.



Yes, you should parse words if your regular vocabulary includes racist words and terms. You seem unable to understand your use of “illegals” outs you as a racist bigot.

Do yourself a favor, and go away.

Probably have neighbors, Hispanic, if you want to know. Would come in and check on me. You would just give me a heart attack. Funny thing though. My neighbor and brother were having a beer. He set traps at neighbors. Cought possum. He shot the dang thing. Said do you think dead? Jumped up, just playing possum. Friend jumped and we all laughed. I understand that what I say may come out poorly. It happens to all of us.

My participation is because I tend to like astros and many here are knowledgeable. I appreciate that. Had to fix knowledgeable. SP.

There is no fucking way for “illegals” to come out right.

  1. don’t shoot opossums. They are not harmful, but rather quite beneficial. Just let them go about their business. If they are a nuisance and you want to remove one, trap it and release it to the wild.

  2. what the fuck does that have to do with you being a racist?


How about trying to not refer to people by their race?

What good is the token black friend if you can’t use him to prove you’re not a racist?