ALDS Game 4, Astros @ White Sox

Exactly right

Thatā€™s not why youā€™re crazy.



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I donā€™t worry too much about lineup construction but having your hottest hitter bat seventh still seems odd.

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I can live with that analysis.

Normally, yes. But I think you have to consider this lineup and the job of that #7 hitter. Lots of potential baserunners when he comes to the plate.

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Also, if heā€™s been raking at seven, why change it?

Sometimes the pieces around a spot in the batting order influence the pitches/at bats the batter gets.

Donā€™t fuck with success, much like a winning streak.

Damn glad John Cusack isnā€™t an Astros fan.

ā€œDonā€™t fuck, with successā€ shows the importance of punctuation.

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He shit all over that idiot Barstool Sports guy (not that it takes any skill to do that).

Or potentially

ā€œDonā€™t, fuck with successā€

That he did. He made that Bars tool guy look like the pathetic turd that he is. But since Mr Cutsack wont be told who to root for, Iā€™m afraid he might decide to root for the Astros or the Dodger or who ever he wants to. Finicky two timer fan.

I mean I donā€™t like the Cubs fans or the White Sox fan. So I double dislike him.

Anyone that puts that much passion behind his casual fandom is welcome on whatever sports teamā€™s bandwagon Iā€™m on.

Also, he shit on a Barstool guy. MAJOR bonus points.


Thatā€™s funny!

Kinda boring until the game starts, huhā€¦

[quote=ā€œMarkR, post:95, topic:1310, full:trueā€]

Who played 3rd for the 1996 Giants huh? Answer me, I know the answer, itā€™s Matt Williams - Doyce, Giants fan for the week

Hmm somehow I seem to have fucked up the quote feature. And here I am the youngest person on this board fucking up technology

You right. Iā€™m just letting my personal dislike of the guy get in the way. We probably have a quite a few Astros fans who are shitty people. Nothing wrong with one more.

Plus, Grosse Pointe Blank

and Better Off Dead, etcā€¦

Good points. I canā€™t really say anything against them.

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