ALDS Game 1: White Sox at Astros

Attaboy. Throw that leather!


Grandal with 2 outs and Anderson on 2nd. Curve just misses off the outside corner. Drops a curve in, 1-1. Breaker low, 2-1. KEEP THE BALL AROUND THE GODDAMN ZONE LANCE! 2 seamer in the zone, 2-2. Curve inside, not close, 3-2. Breaking ball weakly hit McCullers grabs it and jogs to first, flips to Yuli. 3 outs.

Lance showing heā€™s learned something from Greinke.

Iā€™ll do the bottom of the inning as well, but thatā€™s all I got. I have to get some work done here before I log out.

WTF, Blue.

Hamari, none of those calls were right

Bottom 4, Tucker up.

Takes a ball 3 inches inside for strike 1.
JUST off the outside corner, ball 1.
3 inches under the zone, strike 2. Come the fuck on, Hamari. Thatā€™s TWO balls youā€™ve called strikes this AB fuckface.
Tucker flies one directly at Robert, 1 out.

Absolutely fucked by the umpire that AB.

Ball 1 is a strike. Strike one is a ball. Ball two is strike twoā€¦

Jake with nobody on and one out.

Slaps the first one right up the middle for a single.


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I like this kid.

Meyers, get it, son!

Jakey DGAF!

Martin, swing the bat when he gives you a cookie.

Thatā€™s a fucked up chord progression.


Gave that pitch a ride.

Machete with Meyers on first and one out.

Meyers should be running at some point this AB Iā€™d think.
Machete takes one right down the middle for strike one.
Holds up on a breaker off the outside corner, 1-1.
Throw over, not close.
Allegedly the Astros hit and run 15 times with Martin this season, ball low and away, 2-1.
Meyers moving, Maldy flies out to deep center. Meyers got to second and hard to go all the way back. That was a very easy play that Robert rolls backwards to, and these fucking idiots are acting like he did something amazing.

Altuve up with Meyers on 1st.
Altuve takes low and away, ball 1.
Huge shift to the left side against Jose, takes ball 2 low and away.
Ripped down the left field line, Meyers gets the stop sign at 3rd, Altuve cruises in to 2nd with a double.

Woohoo Altuve!

What the fuckā€¦Meyers didnā€™t score?

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