Some have said.
I generally don’t begrudge borderline guys getting into the Hall of Fame, I mean, good for them, you know, but Smoltz just pisses me off.
Sit on a fastball in your happy zone, Yordan, and hammer it.
Pivetta has only thrown 39 pitches
He kinda hung that slider
Maybe I should change hats again.
You can’t count on Diaz to do anything right.
Correa hammered that into a line-drive out.
On the nose.
Hit it right at the freaking leprechaun.
HPU hates Kyle Tucker.
Et tu, Kyle?
Another pop up
Hell, haven’t tried that yet tonight
I never before realized that the foul territory behind home plate isn’t symmetrical in this park.
Well, shit. That promising start died in a hurry.
How many pop ups are Astros’ hitters going to hit?
It is a really silly ballpark.