2024 Roster



All I continue to read is: because the players and coaches love him in the clubhouse.

They’re out of options aside from swapping in assorted rookies and hoping somebody goes on a Shane Spencer/Kevin Maas style sugar high…


The Dodgers released Cavan Biggio. He played a pretty good first base in the series in Houston the other weekend.

How many times do you think Papa Craig has called the Astros FO already this morning?

I have always assumed that at some point, Cavan will be an Astro.

I guess he’s a better option than Aledmys. But as a lefty bat, is he really any getter than Singleton?

He may make a great Space Cowboy though.

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I’d have no problem with the Stros signing him and sending him to Florida or SL to see if there’s something there


Cavan Biggio has the most gorgeous swing I have ever seen for a guy who can’t hit.


Looks aren’t everything.

I like him for his personality.

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Personality is important. Just ask Aledmys.

Interesting Fangraphs interview with Spaghetti:


That is a great interview!

This might a question for the 2025 roster thread, but signing Kikuchi has to be a consideration in the off-season. He’s been solid for the Astros.


Toronto fans are not happy with their coaching staff after seeing what he has done in Houston (before today’s game)


They can join the list of almost every team in baseball to feel that way during this run


Living here in Vermont, there’s no shortage of Red Sox and Yankees fans. When they heard I am an Astros fan 5 years ago, the ire was real, mostly focused on the culture that led to the cheating scandal. When faced with the facts of the situation, they would begrudgingly concede that most of what was happening at the time was really a Sox/Yankees/Dodgers/Astros thing but the Astros took it a couple of degrees further. Now the conversations are almost entirely centered on 1) the sustained application of an analytical approach that continues to find and create value in the most obscure places better than everyone else and 2) a culture that persists even though 90% of the players are new and >90% of the management team is new. When I tell them that this is a hallmark of excellent tip lever executive management, they typically agree.


You have better friends than I do. We never make it past the fact that the Red Sox, Yankees, and others were doing it too. They’re still ok friends sometimes.

Very interesting read. Not to disparage Spencer in the least but Warren Spahn said all that in two sentences.