2024 Roster

J.D. Davis is a free agent.

He has not been good this year but is not old, has a proven bat, and can be forgiven for a rough adjustment after being dicked around by the Giants with zero notice before the season.

Jon has been miserable vs LHP (.468 OPS) and there are no decent options.

Dubon suddenly had the worst month on the team in July (35+ PA) with .522 OPS and 29.6% strikeouts.

Something must give and there are just so few options.

Espada treats rookie position players like this is still the 2019 roster.

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Espada says Leon’s starting tomorrow. Now that he’s on the roster I’d love to see him show what he can do, but the org clearly had him lower than Loperfido in the pecking order and he’s likely to see less time as a result.

I saw that Yuli is currently having a solid season with the AAA Braves. I believe trades could still be made involving minor league contracts?


He’s hitting .297 with 19 homers in AAA. If he pops a few good ones the playing time will be there.

If he doesn’t …

Maybe Brown can get Yuli back for Melton and a throw in.

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One should be cautious extrapolating internal org rankings based on a limited view of what’s taking place. It is entirely plausible that the org thought/thinks more highly of Leon and chose to showcase Loperfido for a few weeks ahead of the deadline as a way to facilitate trades for glaring needs.


Very, very unlikely imo. They’re playing to win this season, they’re fielding the best roster they can. They’re not giving meaningful playing time to players they think are inferior.

Now, as we’ve all seen, they’ve made some baffling choices. But I seriously doubt Loperfido’s presence on the roster was due to anything but him being considered the best option. Pedro Leon has been sitting there in the high minors for a long time, and has never gotten a crack at the bigs until now. All the evidence points to him being internally ranked lower than Joey.

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That’s clearly what they did with Bloss. Brought him up, kind of hid him on the big league roster for bits, moved him over to the IL for a while followed immediately by moving to the starting rotation, but got him enough big league showcase that you could see potential but still green enough to forgive any mistakes. If he was grinding it out in the minors every five days he might not have been as tantalizing to other clubs.

Also possible that with the Astros’ pitching staff looking like the aftermath of Passchendaele they thought he was the best option to get big league outs.


Yeah, opportunity meets preparation and all that.


Thanks for this.

This article was most helpful for a casual fan that does not know nuances of the game.

So glad he stayed in the org


Money’s spent, of course nobody was going to claim him, so maybe he gets fixed.

Just as crazy as the dreams of the rest of the injured pitching staff.

Here we go…

I have to assume A.Diaz DFA is the corresponding move.


Good deal. I’m sure VirtualBob will get a kick out of this move.

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Desperation, but maybe it will work. I still believe in Santa too.


That was the exact word that sprang to mind for me.

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