2024 Roster

Just don’t call it getting pegged


I’m hearing that after looking into the cost of the peg, it has been determined that it would cost the team an arm and a leg. The team can’t afford to lose any more of either and Crane still doesn’t want to spend money on another arm.


He could still leg one out!


You sound like an insurance company. “It’s cheaper to pay for a funeral than to set your broken leg. I’m afraid you’ll have to be shot”

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Caratini to the IL with left hip flexor discomfort

Blair Henley DFA’d

I guess leg amputations are contagious.

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Luis Contreras was optioned and Loperfido recalled to complete the roster moves

Get Loperfido in the damn lineup please!

He is starting in left field tonight.

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I am still missing something. Loperfido up for Caratini works, but with Henley DFA and Contreras down, there must be a pitcher getting promoted. Yes?

Nevermind. Jake Bloss. I was missing something.

Yeah nobody put the full set in one post

A lot!!!

The Astros have called up left-handed pitcher of Bryan King from AAA.

I think this is the first time this has happened to me multiple times in the same month since 2014 but, who?

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If you are referring to me, I stand by my statements. My opinion of JA remains the same and will always remain that. He was a loser that was dragging down the team and needed to go. I sincerely wished him the best of luck as he seemed like a good dude and was a good teammate all in all. He was a great ball player that just fell apart quickly. It happens. Was my characterization of him unfair and overly harsh? Most everyone here seems to believe it was. I’m cool and respect that.

I don’t post much and won’t, but if I do, I stand by what I say and willing to defend and explain my position even if that means getting bullied like I was. Weirdly, a lot of posters on here seem to have an issue with this and if a poster doesn’t come around to their personal reasoning and opinions, then that poster must be scorned.

If my occasional comments draw wrath, so be it. But getting folks angry just to draw a response (i.e. trolling) is not my intent despite some folks opinions. However, having a debate is part of the fun and why I frequent boards. Being called names by folks that don’t have anything else intelligent to say or debate is not fun. I don’t believe I personally attacked anyone on here, dispite being personally attacked repeatedly (which is against the board code of conduct regardless if you think I’m trolling or not.) and threaten with being kicked out.

My assumption was that all of us are entitled to have an opinion even if it’s stupid, boorish, boring, and not particularly insightful and that we all have the option just scroll past them and move on, or attempt to debate them in a respectful way.

Thats fine. You do you but I come here to interact with like minded people and for enjoyment.

I was enjoying this board more before you joined so I’m just blocking you.

That way I don’t need to keep reading your constant doubling down on what I view as a poor character view.

I wish you all the best, just without any interaction w/ me.


Fair enough.

Or, hot take here, your opinion is dogshit and maybe you should reconsider your stupid Twitter fan hot takes.

Calling someone a loser because their skill at baseball declined is a pretty shitty thing to say, and your fan temper tantrum is both unwelcome here and really dumb.


You do not belong here.


Yeah that “loser” knocked in over 100 runs last year and was one of our better hitters in the playoffs. Was Jeff Bagwell a loser in 2005 when his body would no longer let him perform the way he could when he was in his prime? You are a hard headed jackass who stuck his foot in his mouth and you made yourself look like an idiot. Just own it and move on.