2024 Roster

Most would prefer you just leave on your own since you’ve done literally nothing but point out the obvious while continually calling a player a ‘loser’ even after you were told to stop. The rest of the time you’re only trying to justify your existence here. If hanging out with a bunch of folks who wish you were gone is fun for you then troll on, man.


@Redstormrising Or, just put a little thought into your posts. You said you’ve been a long time fan. I suspect you’ve developed more than the “Abreau is a loser” hot take. You’ll find out there’s a ton of baseball and Astros acumen and history represented in this community. There’s no problem with a controversial or strongly worded post. Heck, one of the long-standing mantras here is “bring it strong or don’t bring it at all”. We don’t suffer pedantics or baseless personal accusations, tho. I’ll give you an example. I made reference to one of the Astros players being not particularly good looking in a way I though was witty. One poster took the time to say, “WTF???”. And, he was right to do so. It brought nothing to the high quality of the discourse that goes on here.

If you cherish and enjoy this adversarial online persona, it won’t get much traction here. Life is too short to argue for the sake of arguing. If you want to have a lively Astros discussion where it’s ok to “come together and fight like hell” about the specifics of the team, their play and such, you’ll be welcomed.




Good post. You have more patience with trolls than I do.

The main mantra is “Read more, post less.” RMPL.

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Even I have (slightly) more patience with trolls than you do, Coach. But I certainly support the RMPL mantra. Cabrera may even have mentioned it at some point recently.

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I am among the newer members here, having only been here a few years.

I also had some issues when I first joined, but persevered, followed advice and am now accepted adequately if not equally to all others.

We are all Astros fans and all have opinions about players, but unlike most boards, this site demands respect. Respect to each other and respectful takes about others, especially players we are all rooting for.

True Astro fans are welcome here as long as they improve the experience, or simply read without posting.

If you want to go name calling and disrespect players or others, that is your right, but we are a community that does not need to be subjected to it and won’t be for long.


Fair enough. Appreciate the feedback.

More than this, my man


To illustrate how far this goes, I rooted for Roger Clemens when he was an Astro. Ordinarily I would not spit on him if he suddenly burst into flames.

As we often said about not so good teams when I was a HS football coach, “They may be turds, but they are our turds.”

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I am probably one of the ones that gave you the most shit when you came around but it was never because you were disrespectful or I wanted you to leave. I just disagreed with you, often. You are absolutely a valued poster here, the site is better for it. I actually find myself agreeing with you alot these days, I don’t know if I’ve come around to your way or you to mine, probably somewhere in the middle.

The great thing about this site is we can disagree and say “fuck you” or even agree and still say “fuck you” but you kind of have to earn the ability to say it. Once it’s earned, we know it’s said with at least some respect. But it’s always best if you’re going to say it to somebody who can defend themselves. When you start going after players, at least the ones who are not reprehensible(fuck you Bauer), that crosses a line.


Great post, Doyce, but I would never say that to you.

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Yeah – We have an odd way of showing respect sometimes.

I noticed that.

It seems the gloves are off on some players and it’s open season on them to take shots. i.e. Mike Fiers

Fine with me.

You’re looking at the difference between attacking a player personally for his off the field actions and attacking him personally for his play.

Abreu is hitting badly. Fiers is an alleged pedophile. There’s a pretty big difference.


It all comes down to “is this guy a piece of shit” Mike Fiers, Trevor Bauer, Joe Kelly, among others fit the bill.

By all accounts Jose Abreu is a good dude who is trying really hard but just isn’t the player we thought he would be and player he was. This does not make him a “loser.” That was what we took exception to. Father time comes for us all. I can’t even begin to imagine how it makes him feel that it has come so fast and he’s been so bad. Theres no reason to pile on


Fiers. And Bauer have made their bed.

Their issues have nothing to do with on the field.

By all accounts, Abreu is a great human and teammate. And works hard- he puts in work. Baseball is hard. Poor results are not necessarily a result of poor character.

And short of poor character, insults are not deserved.

Aging is a bitch.


Now that is funny. I make a post about how I’ve agreed with you more lately and 5 minutes later we make essentially the same post




I understand that. I get that there’s nuance.

Be that as it may, I stand by my criticism of JA. He was literally costing his team games (I was watching him do it) and thus I felt it was appropriate to call him a loser in the literal.

Look, I’m very aware that y’all don’t agree/don’t believe me and felt I stepped over the line with that word. I accept that and I’m fine with it. I hope at some point we can move on. But I do understand the difference and how some took offense.

BTW, ol’ Mr. Pressley sure has been delightful lately.