2024 Roster

As disappointing as Abreu has been this year, his body of work is such that he could and should come around like he did last year. I mean, maybe not, maybe he fell off the proverbial cliff. If Abreu was cut loose, he would be snatched up immediately after clearing waivers and the Astros would still be paying him.

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Maybe, like last year, he needs a stint on the IL to rest , rehab, and fix whatever might be (? knee, back) ailing him.

They arenā€™t going to release Abreu and Iā€™m not sure why folks even think itā€™s a possibility. Singleton wonā€™t be with the team in two days.

My ā€œfriendā€ is posting the Astros and White Sox are discussing an Abreu for Benentendi deal.

How to even out the deal is the holdup

Abreu 2 yr $39
Benetendi 4 yr $66.4M

Sox donā€™t want to send any money back and also donā€™t want to include the lower level international pitchers Astros asked for in leiu of money.

Interesting but may not be able to agree.

I kinda see that from both sides.

For the White Sox, you get out of two additional years of money and bring back a fan favorite.

For the Astros, you get out of the Abreu debacle, clear space to do something else at 1B, and get a guy who has been successful before.

You just have to really think a change of scenery is what Benintendi needs. He has been pretty awful for the White Sox but he was really solid from 16-19 with the Red Sox and 21-22 with the Royals and Yankees. Heā€™s also only 30, left handed and been a decent defensive player in his career.

The risk being that if he is just bad, you made your Abreu problem last an additional two years.

Really interesting situation. I was big fan of Benintendi a few years ago and think there is still a valuable player in there.

Itā€™s an interesting idea. Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d pull the trigger on that deal, even without any real hope for Abreu coming around. 2024 Benintendi looks a lot like 2024 Bregman without the defenseā€”I think Iā€™d rather be on the hook for another year and a half of Abreu than three and a half years of Benintendi.



Releasing Abreu, for one, is a better choice than this trade.


Without any offsetting money or a really appealing prospect, absolutely.

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I understand that the base case is that the Astros are aggressive Buyers. But, another month or so of sub-mediocrity and the team may become careful Sellers. I canā€™t see them leasing out Bregman and this would probably leave the bullpen as the place to sell from.

Cabbage was sent back to AAA. He was the 27th man for the Mexico series, so they still need to make another move for the Loperfido call-up. Still no word on that.

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The White Sox would have to pay enough of Benintendi s salary to make it worth it. Unless the Astros could get the White Sox to take on McCullersā€™ contract with Abreu, too. (And Iā€™m not sure the Astros would want to do that)

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Both sides say no to the McCullers part

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That was my thought. The White Sox donā€™t want the contract, and the Astros donā€™t want to part with potential pitching depth for Benintendi.

I know he has given me no reason, but I still think this was the magic elixer and when Lance returns he stays healthy the rest of his career.

A healthy Lance makes this a very good and deep rotation (if everyone else is healthy too)

A guy can dream canā€™t he?

Follow that star.


Tell me again about the rabbits.


I want some of whatever youā€™re smoking.

If his arm falls off after three starts, I am blaming you.

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Hope for the best, plan for the worst