2024 Roster



Iā€™ll be happy if Spencer avoid the base Gnocchi


Sorry, Smokey, itā€™s a league game.

Kuehnel up, Mushinski back down

Singleton at DH, followed by Abreu in the lineup. Iā€™m at a loss.

People said it was impossible to play both of them, but Espada believed in himself.


Espada makes me miss Dusty.


This season is Walter White in the crawl space.

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Words I thought we would never hear.

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Folks, it looks like we hired the wrong manager. These decisions are making me wish we hadnā€™t passed over Brad Ausmus. And thatā€™s not good.

Letā€™s not say things weā€™ll regret.


Simple. A negative times a negative is a positive. Itā€™s just math.


Whatā€™s up with Bregman?

There are 13 position players on the roster and 9 of them need to start.

Chas is out w/ a sore hamstring and Bregman is ill.

So, 2 other players need to sit.

Kessinger started yesterday and has been less than good - 0 for 8 w/ 4 Ks.

Singleton is 3 for his last 9 w/ 2 doubles and 3 walks.

Abreu has sat 2 games in a row. He may be done, but its too early to know for sure or for the team to give up on him completely after the way he ended 2023 and the money they are paying him.

Espada could play Caratini at 1B or DH but if Brown has Abreu on the roster he has to play him sometime.

I donā€™t like it, but I understand it. All Espada can do is play the guys available on the roster.


Me too, but Iā€™m the master of knee jerk reactions.


Caratini should be getting more starts imo. Especially if Chas is out and DH is free for Abreu, he can man 1B instead of Singleton. Iā€™ve defended Espada plenty but thatā€™s the one area where I just donā€™t understand his decisions (aside from the batting order, which I canā€™t get too worked up aboutā€”last nightā€™s terrible order scored 8 runs, pick ā€˜em out of a hat for all I care, just play the right nine).


Blanco rocks. That is all.


Its still only April 15th.

Iā€™m sure the entire staff and front office laid out a game plan, including player roles and expected playing time to start the season.

Caratini started 2 of the first 10 games, and now 3 of the past 7.

Abreu started 5 of the first 6 and then ā€œonlyā€ 7 of the next 11. He hit 5th the first 2 games, then 6th his next 3, and not above 7th since, even when Bregman and McCormick were out.

Espada and this team are making adjustments. Its a long season.


Me, too!

Itā€™s my tendency to root for the underdog, like pulling for lower drafted McCormick over Meyers. Didnā€™t expect to see so many starts for Meyers this year, post injuryā€¦. Heā€™s become an underdog too.

Iā€™ve hoping to be inspired by Singletonā€™s comeback - itā€™s the makings of a great storyā€¦,

I get frustration from struggling players & team, but I donā€™t buy the rationale of using his ā€œcrimeā€, for which he dearly paid, to kick him off the team - esp wt Abreauā€™s struggles.

Wasnā€™t the banned drug he used a precursor of CBD that is prescribed today?