2024 college baseball

My info was stated as fact, not speculation. Former player source.

I’ll have to Google that. The idea sounds very weird.

Dammit, come on, Aggies.

Go Vols

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Got a little tight at the end

Loved that part of it. Close but no cigar, Ags.

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They did! What a ninth inning, though.

The Aggie mantra: “We almost won.”


Aggies never lose, they just run out of time.


That’s what my wife keeps telling me. Time was ticking, and I guess I was the “eh…you’ll do” guy.

Oh, for sure. The husband earned his Master’s of Jurispridence from them last year, so since he was rooting for them… happy home etc. etc. Plus, as the mother of a former Mississippi State Bulldog, I can’t root for Tinnosee.

Oh, I understand, but I did think “Aggies???” when was obvious you were rooting for them.

Every time I might have pulled for the Aggies in a bowl game or whatever in the past – 35-40 years ago, they lost and let me down. Nothing has changed except I couldn’t care less.