World Series Game 6: Astros vs. Everyone and the Void

Good grief what shit inning.

Yeah that went south in a hurry.

Lovely job from the heart of the order.

3 fastballs. Not even a flinch

Good start, fucked up ending.

AL batting champ goes down without swinging the damn bat :man_facepalming:t2:

Strike two was crap, but he had no business looking at strike 3.

1st pitch Fastball thigh high on outside corner to Altuve, Correa, and Yuli… Follow the trend- jesus.

Bottom 1

Fried pitching

Altuve – FB outside 1-0, FB outside 2-0, singles to the left side of infield on an inside pitch.
Brantley – FB high and inside 1-0, low FB in for strike 1-1, jammed with breaking ball, hits grounder to Freeman, throws to Fried who misses bag. Safe on E1.

Correa – breaking ball low inside 1-0, FB catches inner half 1-1, FB catches low inside corner 1-2, swings and misses over low inside breaking ball. K.

Alvarez – FB low and in 1-0, taps a low FB to 2nd 4-3. Two out, men on 2nd and 3rd.

Gurriel – FB catches lower part of zone 0-1, FB called strike (looked a little low and in) 0-2, looks at FB lower part of zone. Strikes out.

End 1 Atl – 0 Hou – 0

He was guessing slider.

Inside corner, you mean. That’s where Fried wants to attack. Correa and Yuli need to just swing the damn bat.

Two great offspeed pitches, Luis!

Another good slider

Top 2

Garcia pitching

Riley – FB high 1-0, fouls FB back 1-1, swings and misses at breaking ball 1-2, swings and misses at another breaking ball. K.

Nicely done, Alex

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Duvall – breaking ball low and outside 1-0, hits breaking ball to Bregman who backhands it. 5-3.

Good job, Luis.

Have a seat, ma’am.


Astros’ hitters: Let’s not stomp on our dicks this inning and get Luis some runs!


Let’s try this offense thing again.