Maldonado – looks at strike 0-1, breaking ball in 1-1, swings and misses a low breaking ball 1-2. Ball low 2-2. Flies out to center. Tucker scores, Bregman to third.
Tucker – fouls breaking ball down LF line 0-1, FB low and outside 1-1, curve misses outside 2-1, fouls back breaking ball 2-2, breaking ball misses way inside 3-2, breaking ball misses inside. Walks. Two on, one out.
Bregman – breaking ball inside 1-0, breaking ball outside 2-0, breaking drops in for strike 2-1, fouls a ball in the middle of the zone back 2-2, DOUBLES to right center. Gurriel scores. Tucker to third.
Maldonado – looks at strike 0-1, breaking ball in 1-1, swings and misses a low breaking ball 1-2. Ball low 2-2. Flies out to center. Tucker scores, Bregman to third.
Valdez – 1-1, swings and misses breaking pitch 1-2, breaking ball low and in 2-2, looks at strike 3 on inside corner.
Well, they put this rally together with me following here and not watching Fox so I’m sticking with that for now. Need to be better at following the GZ. (Forgot Yuli started the rally after Yordan made an out).
If some funky kind of reversal of momentum happens, the braves are really gonna kick themselves if they let it slip… 1 or 2 run game like last night is different than being up 4 off a first inning granny and then not sealing the deal…
Hope Dusty puts a small hex on them. Encourage overconfidence so they forget about the game and think about winning… C’mon Stros!