Fuck that, MM? Luck out?
Defensive swing that stayed fair.
He’s like a lab mouse that keeps going to that one feeding tube even though it’s been weeks since it got any food from it.
That pitch was in the other batters box.
Damn, not quite deep enough
When it hops just past the pitcher, that’s a little luck you need.
Have I mentioned that Brantley is never gonna hit another home run. Ever.
Expanded there.
The pitch was a worm burner the whole way.
Uncle Mike!!
Way to pick him up, Uncle Mike!
Brantley continues the hit parade!!
Professional hitter right there.
That’s quite a fart.
The Avunculator ™
Ok. Now a fucking zero!
Come on Maldy.
Guide him thru the second time thru the order.
Brantley’s business card:
Have Bat - Will Hit
Michael Brantley
Houston Astros Left Fielder
Help me.
I have two millennials sitting next to me here at the park who have both been on their phones the entire game.
I’m. Gonna. Snap.