Come on, Bregman. Don’t be a cheese dick here.
Bregman, don’t fuck up this opportunity.
Is that gleach there in the blue jacket? I thought his seats were a couple of rows back from there.
Classic motivational poster
They had that over the water cooler at my old company.
Wait on the fucking ball Alex.
Well he waited.
Nice AB by Alex
Attaboy Alex.
Yehaw!! Hopefully one of many.
Good at bat, Alex. Way to drive the ball with a runner at 3B. YUGE!
Split the difference of his hard hit fouls.
Ok. Struck first. Good inning. Now a zero
The foul to RF was his best swing in recent memory.
The sac fly was good too. He actually drove it instead of popping it up or beating it into the ground. That was a run producers at bat. Good to see.
Auspicious first innings have been hard to come by this post season. I’ll take this one and be very happy about it!
Other than his HR againat Boston, probably his best swing of the playoffs.
It’s before 6:00 PM here on the west coast and those pearls look gosh.