What are you eating?

A wordy opinionated boner?


Happy thanksgiving to all.

For Black Friday, I’d love to see Scott Boras line up all his free agents in the store with 30 GMs lined up at the doors waiting for midnight. I think it would be a great new holiday tradition.

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Nailed it.

The Jeter family motto

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Followed by “Sent her home with a gift basket.”

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I cooked an epic turkey. More importantly, for the first time I nailed the toasted marshmallows on the sweet potatoes.

Happy Thanksgiving!


My bird. Moist. Flavorful.


Menu today at Casa de Shive was roast turkey, applewood smoked ham, garlic mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, basalmic parmesan brussel sprouts and gravy made from pan drippings. Plus two pies: pumpkin and pecan. I made all of it except the pies. My wife is the baker in the house.

I am thankful for the love of my family, the joy of serving a God who loves me, rewarding work, my health and my friends, including you nuts.


Learned earlier this week that Marble Falls now has a cheese shop on Main Street, conveniently located next door to the new beer garden.

This is auspicious.

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I certainly hope they stock cheese.

(This is where Limey comes in and posts a Monty Python clip.)

I assume they will have cheddar

Never at the end of the week sir, first thing fresh on Monday.

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One of the things I miss about living in Greeneville, TN was the Mennonite deli/bulk food stores there. They would let you buy the cheese ends (the part of the cheese that is too small to slice). I would go in and ask if they had any cheese ends and they would lift up a bag with 15 to 20 individually wrapped bits of different cheeses. They were slap a prices sticker on it that was ridiculously cheap - maybe $1 a pound or such.

We had some great unique mac and cheeses and grilled cheeses with several different flavors mixed in. We also got to explore some new varieties but you had to kind of guess what they were because there were no labels.


So, y’all will be the death of me someday. My wife, whom I love dearly, asked me to make “my chili”, one of her favorites this past weekend. Seeking clarification, I engaged a lighthearted convo about the definition of “chili” so that I could make the right thing. Within 2 minutes, I was being called pedantic and childish. I was told that the last batch was “crap” and to go back to the version that she and everyone in the house loves.

I was booed by everyone when I announced that their goulash was ready.


There’s so much wrong with that “chili”. Stand your ground, hombre.

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Your boos only fuel my self righteousness!

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I think it’s safe to call it Green Mountain Chili, but goulash is pretty a propos.

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If you put that on Fritos, it explains a lot about last season.


I couldn’t do that. I only make chili the right way. I’ll serve pinto beans as a side dish but that’s as close as beans get to my homemade chili. Well, until a dumb guest or two decides to ruin a good bowl of red and dumps their beans into the bowl of chili I served them. That’s called chili with beans. Also, I like a little bit of chopped onion and grated cheese on top of my chili. That’s called chili with onions and cheese on top.

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Did not happen. Was not me. I only put “real” chili on Fritos and on hot dogs.