What are you eating?

It’s just my mom, dad, sister, bro-in-law and myself this year so were going out to a fancy brunch at Omni Fort Worth.

This year marks a new paradigm for our family: a couple of us found out we are allergic to turkey (all poultry; I know, it’s weird).

So it’ll be a ham based meal of some sort this year.

I won’t be able to participate much because of work but next year I’ll try something on the smoker.

I’ve often done a rib roast instead of (or in addition to) a turkey. This year it’s straight traditional, brined and roasted turkey.

I’ve always liked a good leg of lamb for holidays in place of turkey. Especially for Christmas.

My wife reminded me today, this is how we do it:

Thanksgiving - Turkey
Christmas - Prime rib
New Year’s Day - Ham
Easter - Lamb

Don’t ask to change. I’m good with that.


Sorry for the late reply. Haven’t been around that much because of Harvest and now getting ready for bottling next week.

Appreciate you (and @NeilT and @HudsonHawk) paying my salary. Which Turley’s do you have in your stash? We’ll undoubtedly have a couple on our table this week. Probably Kirschenmann Zin and Bechthold Cinsault. I’d also recommend any of the Zinfandels we make from Bedrock, Ueberroth, Dupratt, 101, Monte Rosso, Brandlin, and Evangelho vineyards for Turkey Day.

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This last shipment I got White Coat, Rattlesnake Ridge Zin and the Ueberroth Zin. I also have a few bottles of the Judge Bell and Pesenti, I believe, hanging around. Might be a bottle of the Old Vines Zin too. I’ll have to check. Most likely go with the White Coat with the bird. I really like the Ueberroth and will probably save a few bottles for the roast beast on Christmas.

Nice. Ueberroth is one of our highest acid wines (if not the highest), which is why I’d recommend it for Thursday. Will definitely do well for your dinner plans on the Messiah’s birthday next month, however.

For whatever it’s worth, any lighter to medium bodied reds (e.g. Pinot noir, Cinsault, Gamay, Grenache, Carignane, Nerello Mascalese) will pair well with poultry. White wine, of course, is a classic.

ETA - we’ll also drink a HELL of a lot of sparkling over the holidays as well, not just NYE.

I prefer red wines, and am a huge fan of lighter drinking Pinot noirs with poultry or just sitting around drinking wine. Mrs Hawk is more if a white wine fan though, and as we all know, whenever we disagree we just compromise and do what she wants. The White Coat is good. It’ll be a fine with my smoked turkey. I have bourbon, specifically Garrison Brothers Single Barrel, to soothe my troubled soul.


Ueberroth is my favorite, and probably what I’ll go with. But like HH, I’ve also got Duarte, Kirschenmann, Pesenti, and Salvador lying around. And some Old Vines, too, I think.

Oh man, Salvador. Planted in 1896 in pure sand near the California Delta, it was one of my favorite vineyards that I worked with. The Gonsalves family owned and farmed it for several generations (their grandfather bought it in 1906 when he left SF after the earthquake). Sadly, the vines were ripped out in 2020 to make way for tract homes.

Ueberroth may be even more impressive. It’s the oldest vineyard Turley works with, planted in 1885(!!) on limestone. Peter Ueberroth, the former baseball commissioner, bought it in the 1960’s allegedly when he was on his honeymoon. The wine often takes a year to finish malolactic fermentation which is just crazy.

Either one of those is a great choice.

And @HudsonHawk - don’t be afraid to drink more white wine. According to my field research, it’s delicious and getting intoxicated while drinking it, especially during the day, is unpossible. You’ve also inspired me to drink some E.H. Taylor Small Batch this holiday. Not that I really needed much incentive to do so.

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I have become definitively intoxicated on Pinot Griggio during the day. Does that make me some kind of hero?

Given that your post was at 6am, I’d say yes


Hahahaha–well I didn’t mean today


Well then I’m still impressed, just less so.

Pinot Grigio is such an easy drinker. Nice sunny day, two scantily clad females of Middle Eastern or Mediterranean origin feeding you cheese and dates while keeping your goblet full…yes…yes you ARE a hero.


years ago, many years ago, we spent a week driving around Oregon, fishing, skiing in May on Mt Hood, seeing the east side and the Cascades covered in ice and whales on the coast. We drank pinot gris for a solid week. It was everywhere, on the grocery shelves, in restaurants, probably in the convenience stores, and I still love it. It’s different I think than the Italian pinot Grigio which I never quite cottoned to, but it’s the first time I can remember drinking a white wine that wasn’t one of the big two and really loving it.

Pinot Gris is just the French word for the same (Pinot Grigio) grape. There are differences in terroir, of course, and perhaps some stylistic differences between vintners, but it is the same basic wine. See also Grauburgunder (German).

The same thing goes for Chardonnay, Pinot Bianco and Weißburgunder.

You misspelled Whataburger.


The Texas White Wine Patty Melt, coming soon.


Go oooooooooon…