
Happy Father’s Day, y’all! I hope your kids are nearby and treat you well today.


My daughter used her one day off from her camp counselor job to surprise me last night, so it’s been wonderful so far.


Going to hang out with my dad and take him to his favorite restaurant (Monument Inn) this afternoon. I know every year that passes I’ll get fewer and fewer with him, so I cherish these. My dad is the greatest man in the world, btw.


You too Jim.

Lucky that my dad is still with us. And getting to see 3 of my 4 today (oldest is in mongolia).

All the best to the OWA dads.


Happy Fathers Day all.

Wife is having a colonoscopy tomorrow so we are having a quiet “prepare” day.

Dad is in Georgia but I’ll call and talk to him for a while.

Kids are all grown: 1 in NY, 1 in NC, 3 in ID and 3 local.

I will see the 3 local ones at some point today.

1 was already so excited she couldn’t wait to give me my card and gift. She gave me a photo of my dog Jack she made into a cancas to hang on my office wall just after midnight (wife’s last chance forcreal food for a while so we were up)

I hope you are all as lucky and blessed as me.

Again. Have a great father’s Day everyone - and an Astros win would be great.


Unexpected loving kindness is the absolute best. My kids are taking me to lunch during their busy lives. Always thankful for their attention.


“Monument Inn”

Awesome. I haven’t been there in years.

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All of us who say that are very fortunate.


I am very fortunate to have a great relationship with my dad. I was also fortunate in that he believed in two things when it came to raising me:

  1. Don’t yell at your kids. It accomplishes little, and only makes them resent you. He never really yelled or got mad. I got punished alright, more than I thought was fair at times, but he was always calm about it. He would actually very calmly say things like “I’m gonna have to whip your ass now, but you understand why, don’t you?” Yeah, I know…I deserve it sniff

  2. Tell your kids you love them and you will always have their back. Nothing will ever change that, even if they do really dumb shit.


Yes, Hapoy Father’s Day to all.

I get to go watch my boy play a 16u baseball game later today! What could be better than that!

Hope you all enjoy your day with your families!


Dads who hear that are the fortunate ones.

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Happy Father’s Day to all. My 2 daughters and their husbands are supposed to be cooking for me tonight so I don’t know what to expect, but it will be fun no matter what.

Have a great day all you dads and sons and daughters with dads.

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I wanted to say to a crowd that probably has people that can appreciate this, but Amazon just showed up at my house with the extended edition of Mark Lewisohn’s “The Beatles: Tune In” that my youngest bought for me and I’m stunned. The original version of the book was 950 pages published and the extended version is about 2500 pages and I’ve been wanting to read it for years. I’m so happy.
Hope y’all have just as great or better a Father’s Day.


That’s great! I have the previous Lewisohn books, but didn’t know about this new extended one. That’s truly Nirvana for Beatle fans. Congrats and Happy Father’s Day. Best job in the world.




I lucked into the recording sessions book many years ago and thus understand that anything that lunatic produces regarding the Beatles is something you absolutely want to have.