The Ukraine Invasion

No. He is not.

Well, I’m not making this shit up.

Not commenting on your war reports. Just saying Bob is not an asshole.

Fair enough. Reference removed.


Thanks. He is a very good guy.

…which are considerable. Up to and estimated 70,000 now with the bulk of those coming from the counteroffensive. Yet, morale remains high as they recognize the gains, at a high cost, are coming against the best defenses the invaders can muster. For example, a common occurrence is, when a male partner in a relationship goes down, the female partner then enlists to “complete the task”.


I feel the efforts of the Ukrainians are underappreciated in the U.S.


When they decide to quit fighting, we should stop helping them fight, it’s pretty much that simple.


The refugee situation is something that’s not talked about enough. I know Poland has about 1.2+M, Germany a bit fewer, and a whole bunch of others…I need to ask people over there again to find out the proper NGOs for donations if anyone is so inclined.


Your just gross

??? What does this mean? What makes you think I am gross?

What the actual fuck?

I know your IQ is about that of a room temperature bowl of tapioca pudding, but what about that post was gross?

ETA: Of all the people here to call gross, das definitely ain’t it.


Good estimates for Ukrainian casualties are difficult to come by. Ukrainian OpSec is very good. One of the reasons I tend to believe the higher estimates of Russian KIA is they don’t seem to put much effort into recovery of wounded. That, and there’s more 3rd party confirmation of Russian casualties.

It’s you’re, not your.

Also, go fuck yourself!

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What’s your take on Russian KIA? Ukraine claims over 250,000. I’ve seen as low as 95,000 or so, but it seems the consensus is more to the high side. You know many things, I wonder what your information suggests?

Spack needs to take care of business.


A long time ago

I’ve wondered about him, and his tolerance level