The sci-fi TV thread

You don’t think he put it all together in Rogue One?


Nope. I think there are huge flaws with the end product; whether that’s his own doing or the result of Disney taking the reins from him after principal photography is an open question. Still has some of the best stuff in any SW movie though.

Gotcha. I think it not perfect (no movie is) but is very good. It’s one of the few that gets better the more I (re)watch it.


I think that is some serious nitpicking.

I stand by, and will die on the hill, that Rogue One is the best Star Wars movie to date.

I’ve probably posted this before, but season one of the Going Rogue podcast goes into great detail on the concept, production, and post-production and I think does a very fair job explaining how it ended up the way it did. It’s a great listen for diehard fans and haters alike.

And you would be wrong about that. Empire is the best Star Wars movie to date. #science

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Some of the iconic moments from the trailers - notably Jyn facing down a Tie Fighter and her running across the battlefield with the stolen data tapes clipped to her belt - were cut from the final edit. I have no idea what Edwards’ version would’ve looked like unmolested, but cutting that Tie Fighter moment alone sure seems like ill-advised meddling to me.

The last hour - basically from the moment the Alliance leadership poo-poos the idea of an attack on Scariff - is as good as anything in any Star Wars movie ever. If movies were still on VHS tape, mine would surely have snapped at that point by now.

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Buddy, I love you, but this is as wrong as you can be. That debate starts and ends with Empire.


Star Wars
2nd Half of Rogue One
Everything else.

One interesting nugget from the podcast linked above: Gareth Edwards spent a little time each day just collecting cool shots he could get on that day’s set, without knowing if or how they’d make it into the final cut. Meanwhile the trailers were cut by a separate team who had full access to the filmed footage but who had no collaboration with Edwards or the movie’s writers. So they made trailers using some of the coolest footage—much of which was from Edwards’ “creative time” (understandable, since those were generally pretty cool shots) that was never necessarily intended to become a specific part of the movie.

Some of those moments from the trailers were obviously cut out of the movie late in the process during Gilroy’s edit, but other iconic ones were never going to make the movie anyway.

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Perhaps I’ve said this before, but the last 4 episodes of Clone Wars add up to a movie at least on par with Rogue One.

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The last scene, Vader realizing Ahsoka had eluded him, was really cool.

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Everyone says Clone Wars is great, I couldn’t get past the animation, just not my style.

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There is a certain lack of emotion in the style.

I finally found the Essential Clone Wars playlist and worked thru it. The last 2 seasons in particular were pretty darn good with some episodes having a very cinematic feel.

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Star Wars best movies or series, for me:

  1. Star Wars (1977)
  2. Empire Strikes Back (1980)
  3. Return of the Jedi (1983)
  4. The Mandalorian (2019)
  5. Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
  6. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)
  7. The Last Jedi (2017)
  8. Phantom Menace (1999)
  9. A New Hope (1977 / 1998 - Gredo shot first, Jabba Fett was a slug, and so on)
  10. The Force Awakens (2015)
  11. Attack of the Clones (2002)
  12. Revenge of the Sith (2005)
  13. The Rise of Skywalker (2019)

You might want to invest a little time and zero dollars in getting copies of the despecialized editions of the OT. I have them, and they’re wonderful.

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There’s a lot of wrong here to unpack.

Starting with calling Sith the worst of the prequels, when it’s the only one with redeeming value.

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New Hope stands by itself

Return of the Jedi
Book of Boba Fett (I watched it a 2nd time f.forward through the Sand People scenes, it was much better)
Force Awakens

other stuff

Ahsoka is to be determined.

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The only absolutes on any list are that Empire is best and Rise of Skywalker is worst. There is no debating either of these points.