The sci-fi TV thread

Captain wears hell out of apron.

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A queer friend of mine referred to it as “a visual buffet for bisexuals”.


I didn’t realize until recently that Chappell is bisexual. I was so upset by this that I had to retire to my bunk.

Um… Dave Chapelle?

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Nurse Chapel (it seems I used too many p’s and l’s).

Yeah, there was a quick scene in S1 in which Ortegas teases Chapel for a past date with some chick that went wrong.

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A longstanding tradition in the Star Trek universe. The very first episode of Star Trek, The Next Generation in 1987, in the opening scene when Enterprise is under duress and about to separate the saucer and everyone is scurrying to their positions, there goes a dude in the typical short skirt (dress?) of StarFleet. I love it. When I pointed that out to the LGBTQ+ affinity group in my Agency, they loved it. I am the executive sponsor ally of the group for my Agency, btw.


Ah yes, the skant.

ST: The Musical is very well done, but musicals aren’t my cup of tea. I did properly LOL when the Klingons chimed in though.

There is also a skant sighting.

I didn’t love it, but it exceeded my expectations. I’m glad there was some musical variety, and Kirk and La’an got some great character development. If there is room for silly episodes like “space thing turns crew horny” (three Trek shows used that premise) then there is room for “space thing makes crew sing”.

Agreed. I’m not complaining that they did it - who knew Uhura and La’an had pipes like that - and I’m glad I watched it for the character development, but I won’t watch it again. Other people will want to watch it over and over, and that’s cool.


Batel dropped the “we’ll have plenty of time later” line, before embarking on a “routine” mission. Yikes.

SNW finale. You motherfuckers.

To wit:

Major Spoilers for the Finale

They’ve gone full Aliens with a bunch of settlers - and some notable non-red shirt members of the crew - abducted into the Gorn hive. The Gorn on the wreck of the Cayuga being revealed tail first is very Alien, too (excellent zero-G fight). And then they went all Best of New Worlds on us with the “to be continued…”

With that said, what a fantastic episode! If you’re going to steal, steal from the best. Or, as Dan O’Bannon put it when asked about writing the script for Alien: “I didn’t steal from anyone; I stole from everyone.”

The appearance of Montgomery Scott was a fun reveal. He does seem a little more Fitz from Agents of Shield than James Doohan’s TOS version, but the TOS crew has to be assembled eventually so here we go. Makes me fear for Pelia and M’Benga, though, the latter of whom is one of the abductees on the Gorn ship. If anyone sees John Cho hanging around the Paramount lot, we can assume Ortegas is a goner; on her first away mission too.

It’s a shame Spock had to murder everyone still surviving on the Cayuga not called Chapel but, like the show, it’s probably best not to mention it.

For those of you who watched Secret Invasion and thought the amazing Olivia Coleman’s “cake or death” line was oddly specific, that’s because it’s a reference to Eddie Izzard.

Ahsoka: is it weird that I want to find myself covered in orange and green paint?

Also [Corporal Hicks Voice] it’s a treasure hunt.

However, it’s good and I’m looking forward to seeing more.

Just finished the first two episodes.

Goddamn that was well done. A real reunion/all the feels live action Rebels showcase, well acted, and so goddamn gorgeous across the board (both paint AND the world around).

Interesting. I fell asleep 20 minutes into Ep1 last night. I understand the need for character development but it was pretty meh for me. Don’t get me wrong. I’ll watch 100% of the show and probably really like it. It was just an underwhelming start for me that I’ll have to restart again tonight or tomorrow night.

Ep 1 did start at a slow pace, but it quickens towards the end and keeps going in Ep 2.

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Pretty excited to see The Creator at the end of the month.


Me too. The visuals look stunning. Edwards is a talented director who’s never quite put it all together in one movie (imo), but he’s gonna do it sometime, and I’m hopeful this is it.