The Inevitable What About The Inevitable You-Know-Who Thread Thread



are the only 4 truly “dry” counties in Tx

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Dana Milbank of the Washington Post asks us who we are as a nation heading into the election next week (I gifted the article, so anyone should be able to read it, even if they don’t have a subscription). An important question and well worth your time:

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John Heilman on TV just espoused what I’ve seen elsewhere: The Harris ground game is excellent, well-funded and enthusiastic while Trump’s ground game simply doesn’t exist. Hers is run by 2008 veteran David Plouffe and his is run by E-Lindell and Charlie Kirk (I’m not joking).

Polls show that the “Blue Wall” is leaning towards Harris but within the margin of error. It’s at times like this that you look to the ground game to push you across the line.

In other news, Trump is going to be in North Carolina four times between now and Election Day. The more time he has to spend shoring up places like NC, the less time he has to spend in MI, PA & WI.

Trump is losing the votes of women in any demographic slice you care to make. Women are also voting in significantly higher numbers than men.

Here’s the current split in Georgia, for example:

It’s simple math: if more women than men vote (which is usually what happens) Trump will have to catch so many breaks in the EC it simply doesn’t compute. If the gender gap is more than a few points, he’s toast.

You’d hate to see it…

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We don’t have to live - and die - like this.

Trump deep throats a mic. No really.

Seriously though, this is a metaphor for Trump’s presidency. It’s shoddy, badly organized, malfunctioning, crude and cringeworthy.

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As closing arguments go…


Presumably he had finished off the giraffes…


This is notable:


I hope this is real. I mean, in the last two weeks Trump has been absolutely imploding, and Harris has pivoted to simply being the only grown up in the race.

I hope voters are seeing what is so clearly obvious.

It is a highly respected Iowa pollster. It’s unclear of the present value of that past record, but if accurate, it might have implications for the region.


Harris does SNL.


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Old man yells at clouds

“These aren’t soft people”

The reason the uber-accurate Iowa poll is so seismic is because, if the same swing is experienced nationwide, the map will look like this:

Notably, inside the Iowa poll is a lead for Harris with all women of +20. That isn’t just a blue wave or even a blue tsunami; that’s a Thanos snap.

Another election tidbit: more people have early-voted this year in Texas (8.9 million) than voted in total in 2016 (8.6 million).

They’re getting ready to steal the election.

If Texas was a foreign country, this would be a massive red flag.

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